Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Would you make out with
bngirl55? ewe no she is my cuz
2) Does
emokid121 smoke? no way he is to hardcore xxxxxx
3) Would
bngirl55 go out with
ullnever_know? prolly not
4) Could you see
xxkornerdxx and
john_the_jew together? na
5) How tall is
emokid121? umm 5"08??
6) If
skank_by_nmbers were hanging off a cliff, what would
lilrunner07 do? dance
7) Would you ever date
deadheaven72? yesss!!!!
8) Does
bngirl55 know
moo_riah? nope
9) What is
daria__'s shoe size? 6 in girls i believe
10) What would
aquadreamangel do differently in your shoes? have a penis
11) Are
anti_eljay_08 and
adaytoend going steady? na
12) Do
murderwhite0ut and
unsalted_peanut go to the same school? yup
13) Have you ever dated
unsalted_peanut? yup yup!
14) Would you wrestle
blackiseternal8 in jello? um no
15) What do you agree with
christinevb about? that i rock
16) How long would
allabouttheband dating
thatdrummer last? long they are both band nerds haha
17) Do you think
adanzer77 is hot? na
18) Does
sadmunky13 travel a lot? fuck if i know
19) Is
christinevb introverted or extroverted? a
20) If
anti_eljay_08 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? stupid man cuz jon is supa smart
21) What is
chubbyshroomies's favorite movie? tool dvd??
22) Is
drummergibby a nerd? na
23) Does
skinnymonica go to your school? yea
24) What rank would
dances_in_rain4 have in a giant robot army? sgt major general!
25) If
blpbx and
skank_by_nmbers were siamese twins, where would they be joined? ass cuz that would suck
26) Has
nipplesandpants dyed their hair? na
27) If
soccerbabe_1123 had a superpower, what would it be? super strength
28) One thing you can't stand about
honkinonbo_bo? nascar!! hahaha
29) Would you set up
quizgalaxy and
crzymunkeybutt4? sure traci really does love her comp
30) Do you have a crush on
elephant_butt? nope
31) Where was
explogasm__ born? el paso?
32) What word best describes
wooo4? kool
33) What is
goth_a_licious allergic to? upside down ketchup,and black ppl
34) What exotic animal would
_adaytoend_ like as a pet? um parrot
35) Which of your friends should
cheerleaderaudg go out with? jew
36) What animal should
xxkornerdxx be combined with? bunny
37) Where was
goth_a_licious born? el paso
38) Is
freakaleekgrl07 in a relationship? na
39) What animal does
unsalted_peanut remind you of? a kangaroo =]
40) What would
wooo4 think of
happyninny182? hey she is koo
41) Is
desertrose710 athletic? sure
42) Is
ablackletter 1337? ??
43) What is
fiveironfriday's favorite band/artist? norma jean
44) What mental disorder does
btfuldisaster25 remind you of? um hannah
45) If
thatdrummer and
koolerthanyou were spliced together, what would be its name? rocko or rockodie
46) Where did you first meet
freakaleekgrl07? interenet
47) Would
desertrose710 be a better ninja or pirate? o myan the dreaeaded question.... ninja
48) Where would
volleytrooper most like to visit? hawaii
49) Have you flirted with
daria__? o yea ;) lots
50) What color should
volleytrooper dye their hair? black
hmm its weird how all the flirting and datin questions were with daria heh