Obligatory Quiz!

Sep 19, 2002 13:51

Hee hee hee...quizzes are the lazy way to convey emotion! I don't even have to think about what to post!

(thanks to diadexxus, who apparently yoinked it from flashfire

01. your live journal "user name" & what it means:

redxix -> stems from my furry name "Red XIX" (19), which is basically a cheap ripoff of the Final Fantasy 7 character Red XIII, a game I was playing at the time I decided to become more involved in the furry fandom. Besides, he's pretty cute ;)

02. on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your livejournal represent who you actually are?

I would say it represents me pretty well, though representation is a matter of personal interpretation. Sure, there are things about myself that I don't post, but I think that whatever I do, I draw from this resivour of who I am to decide my course of action, so most of the things I post/say represent me pretty well.

03. how much about your life do you post to lj?

Not too much...I leave out a lot of the minutae and just give a general overview of my life. I really leave out a lot of my college life, since it's not relevant to most of the people who read this. (Besides, it's the same ol', same ol'....most of my crazy exploits happen when I'm hanging out with furs anyways ;) )

04. is there anything you refuse to post about?

I refuse to use my journal to talk trash about other people (it looks worse on me than on the other person anyways!), and I don't like to post about problems I have, unless I feel that people could give me relevant advice from their own experiences. (But hey - I'm a college student...it's not like my life is wrought with strife and hardship anyways ;) ) Other than that, I just post whatever's on my mind at the time.

05. on a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?

Depends on who the person is, and how interested they are in me. I *try* to make it as interesting as possible, but how well that works remains to be seen ;)

06. from who/how did you find out about lj?

Croc!! I jumped on the bandwagon as soon as I started reading his journal. I just thought it was so cool to hear what my friends were up to, especially since I don't get to see everyone all the time, so I figured I'd return the favor.

07. has anyone ever joined lj because of you?

Maybe not specifically me, but I did give the code to my wonderful boyfriend, so I can technically count him as mine ;)

08. what proportion of your posts are friends only?
None...I figure if you want to read about me and I don't know you, I have nothing to hide, so be my guest (OK, so maybe I have a lot to hide, I just choose not to) ;) I do however write a fair amount of private posts, which I mainly do just to sort out my thoughts and whatnot.

09. what is your favorite interest on lj?

Uhhhh....all of them?

10. Has anything on lj ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something?

Hmmmmm...I would say so, but more along the lines of revising what I think, rather than blowing my current opinion out of the water. I seem to remember the Stars_Spyre death as a big thing that made me think about a lot about my life, and it was interesting to see how everyone reacted to it...

11. how often do you respond / comment on other peoples journals?

Off and on...perhaps not as much as I should, but I like to give feedback to people's posts, since I know how much I like it when people post to my journal :)

12. do you prefer to write in your journal, read other journals?

Read :) Other people's lives are far more interesting than mine ;)

13. have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on lj (or did it to someone else)?

Nope! And I pride myself on that fact...I think I'm pretty easy going, and don't have many negative things to say about other people, so I don't think people feel compelled to flame me (though I have been told that I am flaming!) ;)

14. have you ever banned someone from your journal?

No...why would I do that?

15. who are your favorite lj friend(s) and why?

I love everybody! (go political correctness), though in particular I always enjoy reading Croc and Rascal's journal, mainly since their posts are so varied and well thought out :) And of course, whenever I feel extra saucy, Maxx's journals make me crap my pants on a regular basis (crap my pants in the good way, from laughing hard and such)

16. how many of your LJ friends have you actually met?

I think the only friend I have listed who I have not met is MintyPanda ;) One of these days, my fresh-breathed one, we shall meet ;)

17. of all of the people on lj you know of, who is the most like you?

I would hope that none of them are ;) I like having diverse friends who are their own people

18. why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?

Well, obviously if they are my friend, I'll do it. But sometimes I will add someone just because I find them interesting. I love talking to interesting people and hearing their philosophies and stuff like that.

19. do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?

Not automatically, but 9 times out of 10 I will :) Of course, I haven't checked my friends list in quite some time, so I don't know who has me listed.

20. what is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?

Hmmmm...probably the #1 reason would be if they did a lot of LJ spam...posting incessantly, or posting a million quizzes a day. I like it when people post, but innane stuff gets tedious after a while I think.

21. is your "significant other" on lj?

Yep! *snugs mikecoyote tight* :)

22. have you ever wanted to meet someone on lj?

It would be cool, sure, but I think face-to-face meetings hold more merit. I like being able to see the face of the person I am talking to.

Yay! That was my quiz! I will now end my post, having not added anything new or original here! I am officially a useless member of society! ;)
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