Title: Shine on the world Pairing: Akame Rating: NC-17 Summary: They’ve spent many Christmases together, and Kame wants to hold onto the hope that this won’t be the last.
Omg!! This is so beautiful and absolutely heartbreaking!!!!!! Really!!!!! I love it so much!!!!! This timeline make heart clench and I want to cry!!! Till the end I have the hope, for a different ending!!
I love so much the different periods from their life you choose, when they were kids it's so adorable and sweet, the time where they were happy and fully in love and the moment when Kame suffer so much....
I love this song, it's beautiful and in this PV Kame is so lonely seating at this bench and you just express the whole sadness and the bittersweet emotions from lyrics, PV, music!!!!! This is really amazing!!!!!!!!!
You akame is wonderful and I love how honest Jin is here, just painfully honest and the words you use to write about Kame feelings!!!!
Thank you very much for such a beautiful fic!!!!!!
a;sldkgnasd Peri~ Your comment omg ;_; I think I've read it over a hundred times by now, it really made me happy. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I'm so, so glad you enjoyed this. ♥♥ :3
a;lskdg Omg thank you so much for reading and your wonderful, wonderful comment. It made me so happy. ;_; I'm glad you thought the non-linear timeline worked out okay; I was worried about it a bit so I was relieved you found it worked despite being a little confusing (sorry about that! ^^;). Anyway, just thank you so much for reading and commenting!! I'm happy you liked it! ♥♥♥ :3
Comments 14
Now I can go to sleep sniffing and sobbing and with a broken heart, just the way I like it.
I love so much the different periods from their life you choose, when they were kids it's so adorable and sweet, the time where they were happy and fully in love and the moment when Kame suffer so much....
I love this song, it's beautiful and in this PV Kame is so lonely seating at this bench and you just express the whole sadness and the bittersweet emotions from lyrics, PV, music!!!!! This is really amazing!!!!!!!!!
You akame is wonderful and I love how honest Jin is here, just painfully honest and the words you use to write about Kame feelings!!!!
Thank you very much for such a beautiful fic!!!!!!
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