Beauty meme of sorts snagged from
viva_colleen, which I modified slightly. Other than anime/manga/j-pop, I'm also a beauty products junkie XD I meant to complete this a while ago...but...(>.<). Ah well, they didn't call me Slacker Queen in uni for nothing XD
Here we go~! )
Comments 8
LOL you mean those 10-min express shops? They're quite popular here :D
Needless to say, he has since stopped going XD
Jin's color is wierd.. But, on the up side.. Shirota gave him a surprise party for his birthday! Heehee~
I love your Oriya icon up there. ^__^
Low maintenance is good :) Less hassle!
Yah, it's unnatural. Plus, they had to colour his eyebrows to match and that looks weird too :P Hopefully he'll pull off a Ryo and go back to darker hair :) Shirota did? Awww, sweet!
Yah, Oriya is cute :) It's nostalgic for me cuz Yami no Matsuei was the show that started off my anime/manga obsession :)
I recently went back on a Yami no Matsuei craze.. I have no idea why..Just needed a dose I suppose.
One can never be go off YnM completely ;) The characters are too loveable :D I'm sad that the mangaka's stopped drawing it...and at a cliffhanger too D:
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