Title: 8. Railroads ( 1 / 2 )
Author: reishicolleen
Rating: G
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Warning: unbeta-ed and random.
Word count: 2950
Disclaimer: I don’t own Super Junior.
Summary: Cho Kyuhyun hates taking the subway, until he found a reason to change that.
Did you finally get laid?? )
Comments 13
so curious with Siwon and Sungmin,,
part 2 please x3
and of course Ming interested with Kyu too
but Kyu so innocent, only got his name already so happy
Kyu should talk to Ming that time,,
poor bb xD
Thanks for sharing, by the way.
It's so interesting ^^ I also had a crush on someone I just saw at a certain place very day... But I'm not as lucky as kyu...:(
I really like it, well done ;))
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