Traded Gay 16 to Doodle for Exsphere 04 and Hikikomori 19. [879]
Traded White 05 to Doodle for Prey 18. [880]
Traded Angel 11 and Blitz 20 to Kaurin for Nobodies 11. [881]
Traded Pokedex 84 to Rashiea for Cynic 06. [882]
Traded Pizza 02 to Ukiyuki for Fiance 11. [883]
Traded Copy 08 to RoyalBK for Esper 12. [884]
Traded Rekka 40 to RoyalBK for Idiot 02. [885]
Traded Pizza 03 to Ukiyuki for Chosen 03. [886]
Traded Dies 07, Dies 17, and Dies 18 to Mithanimboo for Duck 07, Ice 15, and Right 16. [887-889]
Traded Albhed 02 to Chandni for Ice 03. [890]
Traded Dolls 10 to Corinn for Deceit 05. [891]
~Traded >9000 07 to the
Card Exchange for Right 03.
Traded Sugar 08 to Eeveelyn for Cynic 13. [892]
Traded Straight 14 to Kitsune for Perfect 08. [893]
Traded Chopin 06 to Lily for Ice 09. [894]
Traded Short 05 and SOS 14 to Libby for Bow 18 and Chosen 06. [895 & 896]
Traded Clown 19 and King 06 to Mango for Kendama 03 and Sketch 19. [897 & 898]
Traded Key 20 to Chandni for Right 02. [899]
Traded Copy 14, Exia 03, and Ruffles 11 to Chris for Deceit 07, Deceit 13, and Sword 15. [900-902]
Traded Boots 12 to Erica for Prey 05. [903]
Traded Attack 15 to Rashiea for Nobodies 08. [904]
Traded Sky 02 to Chandni for Serial 01. [905]
Traded Crossover 15 to Lotus for Nobodies 10. [906]
Traded Cuffs 01 to Dee for Prey 16. [907]
Traded Firearm 04 to Mithanimboo for Yanki 19. [908]
Traded Dust 20 to Lily for Deceit 15. [909]
Traded Hunter 09 to Dee for Loveless 19. [910]
Traded Ainu 19 to Chris for Ashes 06. [911]
Traded Seer 07 to Sei for Snacks 11. [912]
Traded White 13 to Kitsune for Snacks 14. [913]
Traded Emo 11 and Emo 15 to Vivi for Ice 17 and Star 18. [914 & 915]
Traded Heartless 10 and Heartless 11 to Mango for Snacks 13 and Snacks 19. [916 & 917]
~Traded Gay 11 to the
Card Exchange for Willow 07.
Traded Booty 12 to Sandie for Deceit 18. [918]
Traded Mystery 16 to Vivi for Esper 04. [919]
Traded Rain 04 to Sandie for White 18. [920]
Traded Orb 20 to Lily for Willow 15. [921]
Traded Distant 15 to Sei for Axe 17. [922]
Traded Pudding 08 to Ukiyuki for Yanki 07. [923]
Traded Axeman 01 and Half 05 to Ukiyuki for Advisor 16 and Pride 03. [924 & 925]
Traded Pokedex 53 to Lily for Serial 08. [926]
Traded Magic 20 to Chris for Shuusaku 15. [927]
Traded Flute 04 to Shikumo for Loveless 08. [928]
Traded Photos 16 to Chris for Deceit 04. [929]
Traded Funshine, Thief 14, and Uri to Chris for Good Luck, Grumpy and Ring. [930-932]
Traded Sleep 19 to Shikumo for Silent 02. [933]
Traded Distant 19 to Rashiea for Snacks 20. [934]
Traded Esper 10 to Ukiyuki for Armor 04. [935]
Traded Copy 02 to Chris for Maou 16. [936]
Traded Flame 03 to Doodle for Tail 03. [937]
Traded Sketch 03 to Rema for Advisor 15. [938]
Traded Moonlight 05 and Sharingan 19 to Rashiea for Unlucky 15, Yanki 06, and Silent 08. [939 & 940]
Traded Crossover 06 to Kaurin for Ougi 11. [941]
Traded Dynames 13 to Shikumo for Loveless 14. [942]
Traded Resist 04 to Erica for Hunter 12. [943]
Traded Cosplay 09 to Red for Seventh 12. [944]
Traded Orb 06 to Lily for Snacks 18. [945]
Traded Bite 11 to Doodle for Axe 03. [946]
Traded Devil 13 to Hitomik for Snacks 04. [947]
Traded Fox 11 to RoyalBK for Traitor 01. [948]
Traded Moonlight 11 to Naomi for Nobodies 07. [949]
Traded Heart 05 to Chandni for Job 08. [950]
Traded Disney 08, Heart 11, and Second 02 to Eeveelyn for Loveless 02, Loveless 04, Serial 04, and White 01. [951-953]
Traded Lucky 14 to Rashiea for Snacks 15. [954]
Traded Fiance 07, Fiance 11, and Pudding 06 to Doodle for Nobodies 01 and Perfect 18. [955 & 956]
Traded Itako 05 to Kaurin for Ashes 19. [957]
Traded Pudding 05 to Ukiyuki for Job 05. [958]
~Traded Fuku 07 and NOA 08 to the
Card Exchange for Nobodies 12.
Traded Disney 20 to Eeveelyn for Bow 05 and Yanki 05. [959]
Traded Data 04 and Locket 05 to Rashiea for Yanki 04 and Light 17. [960 & 961]
Traded Blood 09 to Chris for Unlucky 17. [962]
Traded Knives 11 to Chris for Axe 16. [963]
Traded Seer 05 to Sei for Loveless 05. [964]
Traded Seer 19 and Seer 20 to Sei for Axe 08 and Snacks 02. [965 & 966]
Traded Celes 10 to Lily for Prey 01. [967]
Traded Siberian 01 to Lily for Deceit 14. [968]
Traded Crossover 20 to Chris for Doujin 02 and Traitor 10. [969]
Traded Pyro 04 to Dee for Ice 18. [970]
Traded Trainer 08 to Rashiea for Prey 03. [971]
Traded Second 11 to RoyalBK for Broom 15. [972]
Traded Rose 14 to Kaurin for Idiot 03. [973]
Traded Trainer 19 to Rashiea for Axe 14. [974]
Traded Medic 20, Prince 03, Prince 05, Prince 08, Prince 10, Prince 18, and Prince 19 to Rashiea for Bow 14, Justice 15, Pride 13, Share Bear and Star 08. [975-979]
Traded Lunar 04 and Lunar 13 to Chris for Light 09 and Pride 16. [980 & 981]
Traded Pudding 15 and Resist 06 to Erica for Silent 06 and Yanki 08. [982 & 983]
Traded Distant 17 to Sei for Snacks 07. [984]
Traded Candy 08 to Lily for Ego 08. [985]
Traded Yanki 16 to Lotus for Hunter 17. [986]
Traded Nobodies 05 to Dee for Ougi 02. [987]
Traded Branch 10, French 07 and Locket 08 to Rashiea for Ego 01, Ego 12 and Ego 15. [988-990]
Traded Straight 03 to Ukiyuki for Axe 06. [991]
~Traded Splat 06 to the
Card Exchange for Snacks 03.
Traded Milk 12 to Chris for Esper 06. [992]
Traded Bure 06 to Sandie for Armor 19 and Doujin 10. [993]
Traded Senpai 06 to Kaurin for Sword 05. [994]
Traded Disguise 13, Prey 15, and Prince 09 to Rashiea for Coffee 16, Ego 14, Ego 19, and Traitor 02. [995-997]
~Traded Bure 08 to Ukiyuki for Advisor 06 and Doujin 05. [998]
Traded Monkey 12 to Dee for Prey 13. [999]
Traded Nervous 13 to Vivi for Axe 02. [1000]
Traded Heart 01 and Magician 17 to Chandni for Ougi 10 [1001]
Traded Dark 18 to Bon for Deceit 06. [1002]
Traded Scar 05 to Chris for Yanki 10. [1003]
Traded Brother 18 to Sei for Sketch 20. [1004]
Traded Branch 05 and Disguise 17 to Rashiea for Ego 16, Kendama 06, and Yanki 02. [1005 - 1006]
Traded Ghosts 15 to Chris for Deceit 11. [1007]
Traded Twin 11 and Twin 14 to Taynis for Chosen 11 and Pride 11. [1008 & 1009]
Traded Attack 09 to Doodle for Job 14 and Yanki 03. [1010]
Traded Brother 04 to Rashiea for Unlucky 16. [1011]
Traded Switch 15 to Sei for Ashes 15. [1012]
Traded Seer 16 to Rashiea for Axe 11. [1013]
Traded Bride 11 and Flower 15 to Rashiea for Chosen 15 and Unlucky 05. [1014 & 1015]
Traded Booty 02 to Sandie for Youkai 10. [1016]
Traded Money 12 and Photos 14 to Doodle for Job 02 and Light 01. [1017 & 1018]
~Traded Kibouhou 05 at the
Card Exchange for Prey 20.
Traded Smile 20 to Ukiyuki for Ashes 14. [1019]
Traded Devil 12 to Rashiea for Exsphere 05. [1020]
~Traded Strahl 02 to Sandie for Advisor 08. [1021]
Traded Jenova 12 to Chandni for Job 16. [1022]
Traded Jellopy 41 and Jellopy 89 to Doodle for Shuusaku 04 and Youkai 13. [1023 & 1024]
Traded Four 01 to Eeveelyn for Ego 20. [1025]
Traded Nervous 18 and Straight 01 to Vivi for Axe 12 and Axe 15. [1026 & 1027]
Traded Loyal 04 to Rashiea for Broom 19. [1028]
Traded Dynames 10 and Pokedex 07 to Ukiyuki for Curse 20 and Hell 06. [1029 & 1030]
Traded Loyal 11 to Rashiea for Prince 01. [1031]
Traded Burn 13 to Chandni for Shuusaku 10. [1032]
Traded Disguise 04 to Ukiyuki for Ougi 03. [1033]
Traded Positive 11 to Corinn for Memory 05. [1034]
Traded Ainu 06 to Red for Axe 04. [1035]
Traded Sister 12 to Sei for Ego 02. [1036]
Traded Kakumei 17 to Rashiea for Kendama 14. [1037]
Traded Chopin 13 to Kaurin for Unlucky 08. [1038]
Traded Lucky 02, Maou 06, Maou 11, Scatter 16, and Wife 18 to Sei for Armor 10, Curse 05, Curse 18, Cynic 20, and Kendama 20. [1039-1043]
Traded Exia 09 to Chris for Frown 16. [1044]
~Traded Hosts 02 to the
Card Exchange for Snacks 08.
Traded Fiance 09 to Doodle for Axe 20. [1045]
Traded Guard 19 to Sei for Ego 17. [1046]
Traded Food 09 and Moe 14 to Kaurin for Book 09 and Pride 07. [1047 & 1048]
Traded Distant 08 to Sei for Axe 01. [1049]
Traded Jenova 04 to Chris for Snacks 09. [1050]
Traded Illegal 01 to Ukiyuki for Pride 14. [1051]
Traded Four 02 and Key 14 to Eeveelyn for Yanki 12 and Yanki 14. [1052 & 1053]
Traded Spy 16 to Rashiea for Chosen 12. [1054]
Traded Sky 13 to Chandni for Fiance 17. [1055]
Traded April 18 to Doodle for Doujin 06. [1056]
Traded Frown 01, Frown 17 and Memory 10 to Erica for Cynic 10, Seventh 18, and Smokes 03. [1057-1059]
Traded Lost 08 and Lost 09 to Rashiea for Fiance 14 and Youkai 03. [1060 & 1061]
Traded Ideals 19 to Elizabeth for Necro 16. [1062]
Traded Axe 14 to Miken-chan for Kendama 19. [1063]
Traded Ainu 18 to Taynis for Hunter 07. [1064]
Traded Wishes 14 to RoyalBK for Light 18. [1065]
Traded Tactics 01 to Sandie for White 04 and White 08. [1066]
Traded Half 01 to Chris for Sword 19. [1067]
Traded Blast 20 and Forget 19 to Lotus for Curse 11 and Cynic 09. [1068 & 1069]
Traded Kansai 08 to Lily for Hunter 03. [1070]
Traded Trumpet 18 to Kaurin for Hunter 18. [1071]
Traded Pudding 02 to Erica for Job 12. [1072]
Traded Seer 07 to Rashiea for Axe 09. [1073]
Traded Necro 06 and Puppet 07 to Sandie for Ougi 20. [1074]
Traded Burn 11 to Rashiea for Star 17. [1075]
Traded Attack 03 to Corinn for Serial 10 and Youkai 12. [1076]
Traded Noble 03 and Rat 01 to Doodle for Broom 17 and Esper 14. [1077 & 1078]
Traded April 17 to Sei for Book 06. [1079]
Traded Sky 03 to Chandni for Chosen 19. [1080]
~Traded Hyotei 20 to the
Card Exchange for Ego 07.
Traded Shift 02 to RoyalBK for Ego 06. [1081]
Traded Burn 12 to Rashiea for Traitor 13. [1082]
Traded Burn 02 to Rashiea for Boots 13. [1083]
Traded Tail 07 to Kaurin for Light 02. [1084]
Traded King 01 to Lotus for Shuusaku 07. [1085]
Traded Key 17 and Star 07 to Eeveelyn for Ougi 13. [1086]
Traded Moonlight 11 to RoyalBK for Jenova 02 and Jellopy 68. [1087]
Traded Persocom 20 to Vivi for Cuffs 02. [1088]
Traded French 11 and Hunter 18 to Mango for Curse 02 and Cynic 17. [1089 & 1090]
Traded NOA 16 to RoyalBK for Exsphere 01 and Exsphere 10. [1091]
Traded Phobia 16 to Sandie for Duck 04. [1092]
Traded Firearm 12 and Firearm 14 to Kaurin for Broom 20 and Traitor 05. [1093 & 1094]
Traded Copy 02 to Rasheia for Unlucky 03. [1095]
Traded Copy 01, Magician 10, and Magician 15 to Rashiea for Bow 10, Cuffs 01, and Esper 19. [1096-1098]
~Traded Fanservice 08 to the
Card Exchange for Hunter 04.
Traded Milk 15 to Taynis for Hell 19. [1099]
Traded NOA 04 to RoyalBK for Maou 13 and Yanki 17. [1100]
Traded Pudding 11 to Ukiyuki for Hunter 02. [1101]
Traded Ougi 09 to Rashiea for Boots 10 and Hikikomori 01. [1102]
Traded Rookie 08 to Lotus for Bow 01. [1103]
Traded Cosplay 01 and Cosplay 06 to Chris for Doujin 04 and Perfect 20. [1104 & 1105]
Traded April 07, April 10, and Tactics 13 to Sei for Cynic 16, Fiance 15, Smokes 09, and Unlucky 12. [1106 - 1109]
Traded SOS 09 to Chandni for Yanki 18. [1110]
Traded Ice 11 to Sei for Axe 10. [1111]
Traded Itako 07 to Taynis for Esper 16. [1112]
Traded Airhead 15 to Kaurin for Coffee 02. [1113]
Traded Possess 04 to Chandni for Memory 10. [1114]
Traded Pluto 03, Trainer 09, and Trainer 16 to Doodle for Fiance 05, Shuusaku 09, and White 13. [1115-1117]
Traded Magician 16, Pride 03, Puppet 09, Puppet 11 and Puppet 19 to Rashiea for Advisor 12, Curse 13, Exorcist 16, Heartless 10, and Ice 04. [1118-1122]
Traded Mystery 11 to Mango for Cuffs 09. [1123]
~Traded Hyotei 03 to the
Card Exchange for Axe 13.
Traded Pride 04, Pride 07, Pride 13, and Pride 14 to Rashiea for Advisor 04, Doujin 12, Doujin 17, and Star 14. [1124-1127]
Traded Pride 09 and Pride 11 to Rashiea for Star 10 and White 12. [1128 & 1129]
Traded Alien 15 to Kaurin for Coffee 07. [1130]
Traded King 10 to Lotus for Ice 13. [1131]
Traded Souen 15 to RoyalBK for Prince 18. [1132]
Traded Plan 05 to Averii for Heartless 16. [1133]
Traded Necro 08 and Pride 20 to Rashiea for Exorcist 12 and Light 03. [1134]
Traded Revenge 13 to RoyalBK for Coffee 18. [1135]
Traded Seventh 03 to Rashiea for Curse 01. [1136]
Traded Egyptian 09 to Chris for Bride 13. [1137]
Traded Sky 19 to Chandni for Seventh 15. [1138]
Traded Protect 09 to Kaurin for Cuffs 18. [1139]
Traded Possess 07 and Warrior 18 to Chandni for Bow 20 and Ice 10. [1140 & 1141]
Traded Colonel 14 to Doodle for Justice 01. [1142]
Traded Nun 12 and Pizza 17 to Erica for Advisor 02 and Seventh 11. [1143 & 1144]
Traded Crossover 09 and Gemini 09 to Vivi for Angel 07, Hikikomori 11, and Hikikomori 12. [1145 & 1146]
Traded Whip 11 and Zero 12 to Red for Advisor 05 and Knives 04. [1147 & 1148]
Traded Itako 17 and Splat 13 to Sandie for Curse 07, Ice 06, and Ice 16. [1149 & 1150]
Traded Mafia 19 to Sei for Duck 03 and Knives 20. [1151]
Traded Plan 11 to Averii for Unlucky 06. [1152]
Traded Zelda 04 and Zelda 07 to Sei for Cynic 04 and Shuusaku 03. [1153 & 1154]
Traded Orb 11 to RoyalBK for Emo 06. [1155]
Traded Nobodies 05 to Rashiea for Yanki 11 and Yanki 13. [1156]
~Traded Splat 05 to the
Card Exchange for Esper 03.
Traded Milk 07 to Vivi for Silent 11. [1157]
Traded Dust 03 to Chris for Tail 08. [1158]
Traded Nishiura 01 to Rashiea for Curse 17 and Doujin 03. [1159]
Traded Rat 05 and Rat 14 to Doodle for Legend 06. [1160]
Traded Seventh 02 to Rashiea for Unlucky 20. [1161]
Traded Puppet 03 to Rashiea for Heartless 07. [1162]
Traded Shoulder 09 and Sketch 10 to Rashiea for Ougi 04 and Youkai 05. [1163 & 1164]
Traded Maverick 08 to Chris for Light 06. [1165]
Traded Sleep 05 to Doodle for Justice 07. [1166]
Traded Colonel 02 and Sinner 11 to RoyalBK for Cuffs 20 and Smokes 17. [1167 & 1168]
Traded Traitor 02, Traitor 05, Traitor 06, Traitor 07, Traitor 08, Traitor 10, and Traitor 14 to Rashiea for Boots 12, Cuffs 07, Cuffs 14, Exorcist 01, Frown 15, Maou 11, and Tail 16. [1169-1175]
Traded Monkey 01, Monkey 03, and Moonlight 07 to Sandie for Silent 05, Silent 12, Maou 04, and Maou 10. [1176-1178]
Traded Sinner 19 to RoyalBK for Light 11. [1179]
Traded Disney 05 to RoyalBK for Knives 07 and Knives 12. [1180]
Traded April 15 to Ryuta for Perfect 05. [1181]
Traded Disguise 11 to Kaurin for Emo 16 and Tail 09. [1182]
Traded April 20 to Corinn for Morph 06. [1183]
Traded Nyoron 12 to Taynis for Advisor 07. [1184]
Traded Lucky 04 to Sei for Cuffs 08. [1185]
~Traded Fanservice 17 to the
Card Exchange for Ice 12.
Traded Disguise 05, Drill 20, and Yanki 12 to Kaurin for Coffee 08, Knives 14, and Legend 14. [1186-1188]
Traded Exia 19 to C. for Ashes 16. [1189]
Traded Positive 20 to Lotus for Smokes 12. [1190]
Traded Revenge 07 to Ukiyuki for Revenge 13. [1191]
Traded Jellopy 44 to Rashiea for Boots 11. [1192]
Traded Rekka 08 to RoyalBK for Knives 16. [1193]
Traded Loveless 02 to Sei for Justice 03. [1194]
~Traded Mafia 02 to the
Card Exchange for Ice 11.
Traded Sketch 02 and Sketch 20 to Sandie for Legend 10. [1195]
Traded Disguise 07 to Kaurin for Bride 17 and Heartless 01. [1196]
Traded Jellopy 67 to Rashiea for Doujin 07. [1197]
Traded Armor 04 to Doodle for Ghosts 04. [1198]
Traded Knight 06 to Naomi for Cuffs 11. [1199]
Traded Disguise 04 to Kaurin for Distant 12 and Seer 13. [1200]
Traded Monkey 16 to Chris for Exorcist 18. [1201]
Traded Unwanted 20 to Sandie for Boots 08. [1202]
Traded Candy 18 to Chris for Frown 04. [1203]
Traded Hikikomori 08 to Ukiyuki for Coffee 06. [1204]
Traded Short 06 to Libby for Duck 09. [1205]
Traded Moonlight 11 to Lotus for Legend 05. [1206]
Traded Love-a-Lot to Naomi for Distant 09, Four 10, and White 09. [1207]
Traded Moe 18 to Kaurin for Bride 03. [1208]
Traded Bombay 17 to Chris for Advisor 10. [1209]
Traded Black 19 and Heart 09 to Erica for Maou 05 and Shuusaku 02. [1210 & 1211]
Traded Sitar 01 to Chandni for Yanki 01. [1212]
Traded Zagan 10 to Chandni for Cuffs 05 and Heartless 13. [1213]
Traded Venus 19 to RoyalBK for Heartless 19. [1214]
Traded Siberian 02 and Wizard 08 to Chandni for Legend 08. [1215]
Gift from Rashiea: Boots 16.
Traded Shukaku 13 to Rashiea for Cuffs 12. [1216]
Traded Secret 06 and Secret 07 to Sei for Legend 03. [1217]
Traded Left 07 to Lotus for Four 18. [1218]
Traded Persocom 03 to Lotus for Duck 15. [1219]
~Traded Hosts 07 to the
Card Exchange for Silent 13.
Traded Katana to Rashiea for Infocards. [1220]
Traded Colonel 05 to RoyalBK for Heartless 12. [1221]
Traded Taijutsu 16 to Rashiea for Four 01. [1222]
Traded Sitar 05 to Chandni for Duck 14. [1223]
Traded Esper 19 to Kaurin for Ghosts 02. [1224]
Traded Ainu 08 and Milk 08 to Red for Balinese 18 and Cuffs 06. [1225 & 1226]
Traded Secret 04 to Rashiea for Balinese 05. [1227]
Traded Peace 19 to Chandni for Justice 11. [1228]
Traded Jellopy 48 and Sleep 02 to Doodle for Legend 07. [1229]
Traded Drill 16 to Kaurin for Cuffs 10. [1230]
For my card post go
Part 3 |
Part 5