Traded Witch 04 to RoyalBK for Emo 18. [1231]
Traded Dynames 11 to Ukiyuki for Distant 13. [1232]
Traded Uranus 16 to Rashiea for Balinese 11. [1233]
Traded Nyoron 15 to Lotus for Advisor 03. [1234]
Traded Pharaoh 12 to Chris for Youkai 17. [1235]
Traded Prey 17 to Hitomik for Angel 06. [1236]
Traded Nyoron 20 and SMS 04 to Ukiyuki for Legend 04. [1237]
Traded Yanki 20 to Kaurin for Ghosts 01. [1238]
Traded Itako 15 to Taynis for White 14. [1239]
Traded Wizard 13 and Wizard 15 to Kaurin for LLegend 01.[1240]
Traded Viper 11 to Chris for Balinese 17. [1241]
Traded Betrayal 02 to Rashiea for Balinese 03. [1242]
Traded Irony 06 and Kendama 04 to Rashiea for Heartless 05 and Seer 20. [1243 & 1244]
Traded Muga 02 to Vivi for Balinese 08. [1245]
Traded Zangan 14 to Chris for Knives 08. [1246]
Traded Nyoron 20 to Lotus for Curse 14. [1247]
Traded Egg to Rasheia for Friend. [1248]
~Traded Hyotei 05 and Disguise 19 to the
Card Exchange for Legend 02.
~Traded Forget 08 to Erica for Balinese 07. [1249]
Traded Short 08 to Erica for Four 05. [1250]
Traded Disney 10 to Chandni for Tail 02 and Tail 20. [1251]
Traded Moonlight 05 to Chris for Distant 16 and Knives 01. [1252]
Traded Cuffs 01, Cuffs 09, and Seal 06 to Lily for Sinner 13, White 05, and Youkai 01. [1253-1255]
Traded Jailbait 19 and Rat 08 to RoyalBK for Emo 14 and Heartless 20. [1256 & 1257]
Traded Lolicon 03 to Sei for Knives 05. [1258]
Traded Serial 05 to Manaka for Advisor 14. [1259]
~Traded Mafia 15 and Nishiura 04 to the Card Exchange for Legend 15.
Traded Sinner 13 to RoyalBK for Doujin 11. [1260]
Traded Muga 15 to Sei for Balinese 04. [1261]
Traded Viper 07 to Rashiea for Balinese 15. [1262]
Traded Spirit 03 to Ukiyuki for Balinese 13. [1263]
Traded Rekka 08 to Rashiea for Revenge 15. [1264]
Traded Rikkaidai 10 to Lotus for Bride 16 and Fiance 13. [1265]
Traded Pharaoh 16 to Lotus for Cuffs 13. [1266]
Traded Morph 04 to Ryuta for Heartless 11. [1267]
Traded Uranus 17, World 19, and World 20 to Rashiea for Chosen 17, Ghosts 12, and Seer 12. [1268-1270]
Traded Moonlight 13 to Chris for Distant 11 and Frown 08. [1271]
Traded King 10 to Shikumo for Unlucky 12. [1272]
Traded Smokes 18 to Libby for Youkai 15. [1273]
Traded Guard 08 to RoyalBK for Light 15. [1274]
Traded Viper 18 to Lotus for Unlucky 10. [1275]
Traded Heart 08 to Erica for Armor 08. [1276]
Traded Pizza 01 and Revolver 18 to Chandni for Gay 07. [1277]
Traded Ice 07 and Jailbait 01 to Ryuta for Distant 02 and Seer 09. [1278 & 1279]
Traded Left 10 to Lotus for Distant 20. [1280]
Traded Idiot 02, Idiot 14 and Idiot 18 to Rashiea for Ghosts 18, Seer 10, and Serial 09. [1281-1283]
Traded Count 18 to Vivi for Emo 05. [1284]
Traded Zagan 07 to Chris for Smokes 09. [1285]
Traded Ginryuu 02 to Sei for Fiance 02. [1286]
Traded Gum 18 and Exia 15 to Lotus for Gay 14. [1287]
Traded Blast 02 to Ryuta for Perfect 14. [1288]
Traded Rikkaidai 11 to Hitomi for Fiance 04 and White 02. [1289]
~Traded Ow 03 to the
Card Exchange for Light 13.
Traded Relative 07 to Eeveelyn for White 07. [1290]
Traded Cosplay 19, Lancelot 02, and Lancelot 18 to Red for Fiance 03, Four 09, and Swamp 13. [1291-1293]
Traded Petals 17 and Saturn 12 to RoyalBK for Gay 03. [1294]
Traded Puu 15 to Rashiea for Palm 04. [1295]
Traded Cook 16 to Sei for Swamp 17. [1296]
Traded Puu 17 to Rashiea for Serial 11. [1297]
Traded Saturn 01 to Eeveelyn for Heartless 08. [1298]
Traded Rain 19 to Chandni for Swamp 19. [1299]
Traded Hope 12 to Erica for Swamp 06. [1300]
Traded Trigger 13 to Chris for Palm 20. [1301]
Traded Cuffs 10, Exsphere 01, Exsphere 04, Exsphere 05, and Exsphere 20 to Rashiea for Frown 14, Magic 02, Palm 08, Palm 14, and Palm 18. [1302-1306]
Traded 8th 13 and Snacks 13 to Kaurin for Gay 15. [1307]
Traded Jailbait 20 to Ryuta for Coffee 17. [1308]
Traded Solar 10 to Ukiyuki for Tree 19. [1309]
Traded Cherry 08 to Kaurin for Swamp 14. [1310]
Traded Cuffs 02 to Rashiea for Swamp 07. [1311]
~Traded Hyotei 04 to the
Card Exchange for Smokes 02.
Traded Summon 06 to Rayne for Emo 10. [1312]
Traded Relative 10 to Chris for Distant 18. [1313]
Traded Berry 03 to Ryuta for Coffee 19. [1314]
Traded Count 16 to Vivi for White 20. [1315]
Traded Uranus 13 to RoyalBK for Swamp 05. [1316]
Traded Plan 20 to Averii for Swamp 01. [1317]
Traded Positive 17 to Lotus for Tree 12. [1318]
Traded Book 06, Book 09, Book 17, Book 18, Book 19, Broom 01, Broom 04, Sword 03, and Tactics 15 to Rashiea for Bride 14, Coffee 01, Frown 05, Gay 04, Gay 08, Palm 02, Revenge 10, and Swamp 12. [1319-1326]
Traded Hat 16 to Averii for Smokes 15. [1327]
Traded Trainer 03 to Red for Knives 06. [1328]
~Traded Wife 11 and Writer 18 to the
Card Exchange for Ougi 10.
Traded Loner 17 to RoyalBK for Youkai 16. [1329]
Traded Amnesia 01 to Chris for Justice 19. [1330]
Traded Catcher 10, Husband 06, and Wank 17 to Rashiea for Swamp 10, Swamp 11, and Swamp 20. [1331-1333]
Traded Berry 17 and Manager 15 to Ryuta for Frown 06 and Tree 03. [1334 & 1335]
Traded Money 19 to Ukiyuki for Youkai 08. [1336]
Traded Puu 01 to Chris for Distant 06. [1337]
Traded Viper 15 to Sei for Tree 20. [1338]
Traded Demon 06 and Heart 19 to Erica for Heartless 09 and Youkai 07. [1339 & 1340]
Traded Kuso 08 to Rashiea for Swamp 03. [1341]
Traded Puu 07 to Chris for Seer 05. [1342]
Traded Broom 02 to Rashiea for Tree 10. [1343]
Traded Duck 05 and Uranus 18 to Eeveelyn for Justice 13 and Justice 18. [1344 & 1345]
Traded Sword 13 to Rashiea for Tree 02. [1346]
Traded Report 07 to Mango for Swamp 02. [1347]
Traded Blue 02 and Trigger 17 to Sei for Justice 08 and Knives 17. [1348 & 1349]
~Traded Crossover 02 to the
Card Exchange for White 03.
Traded Shukaku 12 to Manaka for Cow 05. [1350]
Traded Cosplay 05 and Cow 05 to Red for Gay 01. [1351]
Traded Hope 16 to Erica for Palm 12. [1352]
Traded Wizard 04 to RoyalBK for Palm 05. [1353]
Traded Book 13, Digidestined 02, and Switch 14 to Rashiea for Emo 13, Gay 02, and Swamp 15. [1354-1356]
Traded Time 15 to Ukiyuki for Frown 18. [1357]
Traded Loyal 06 to RoyalBK for Palm 17. [1358]
Traded Cosplay 04 and Rain 15 to Chandni for Exorcist 15 and Frown 09. [1359 & 1360]
Traded Distant 09, Unlucky 03, and Virtue 11 to Lotus for Bride 10, Revenge 05, and Tail 18. [1361-1363]
Traded Secret 15 to Chris for Palm 13. [1364]
Traded Pudding 01 to Doodle for Swamp 16. [1365]
Traded Splat 04 to Rashiea for Boots 18 and Coffee 15. [1366]
Traded Secret 05 to Chris for Four 07. [1367]
Traded Friend 04 and Knowledge 18 to Rashiea for Palm 11 and Prince 15. [1368 & 1369]
Traded Beast 11 to Kaurin for Palm 19. [1370]
~Traded Mafia 11 to the
Card Exchange for Palm 01.
Traded Ring to Libby for Bride 20, Palm 03, and Seer 08. [1371]
Traded Colonel 08 to Doodle for Emo 01. [1372]
Traded Rat 20, Slacker 02, and Slacker 15 to Sei for Frown 13, Hikikomori 01, and Prince 12. [1373-1375]
Traded Dual 10 to Kaurin for Maou 19. [1376]
Traded Muga 12 to Chris for Swamp 18. [1377]
Traded 10th 03, Advisor 10, and Husband 19 to Rashiea for Bride 18, Magic 12 and Magic 20. [1378-1380]
Traded Venus 10 to Averii for Seer 17. [1381]
Traded Noble 04 to Doodle for Seer 03. [1382]
Traded Pharaoh 13 to Lotus for Frown 07. [1383]
~Traded Tactics 12 to the
Card Exchange for Palm 09.
Traded Chopin 01 to Shikumo for Fiance 09. [1384]
Traded Duck 06 to RoyalBK for Doujin 14. [1385]
Traded Nya 09 to Chris for Iris 08. [1386]
Traded Iris 08 and Viper 17 to Sei for Hikikomori 10 and Hikikomori 17. [1387 & 1388]
Traded Digidestined 04 and Rabbit 09 to Erica for Armor 09, Boots 05 and Tail 01. [1389 & 1390]
Traded Cynic 03, French 17, and Split 07 to Doodle for Four 11, Magic 11, and Tail 04. [1391-1393]
~Traded Dragon 03 and Pokedex 118 to
Card Spirit Alana for Four 13 and Tree 14.
Traded Pluto 04 and Pokedex 54 to Taynis for Magic 16 and Maou 17. [1394 & 1395]
Traded Cynic 20 and Shift 02 to Libby for Gay 05. [1396]
Traded Scar 08 and Whip 19 to Red for Gay 10. [1397]
Traded Painter 07 and Painter 18 to Erica for Armor 07 and Fiance 08. [1398 & 1399]
Traded Mystery 02 and Scatter 07 to Hitomik for Boots 17 and Tail 12. [1400 & 1401]
Traded Snake 10 to RoyalBK for Emo 11. [1402]
Traded Crossover 12 to Lily for Armor 16 and Armor 17. [1403]
Traded Blast 12 and Blast 16 to Mango for Doujin 20 and Revenge 16. [1404 & 1405]
Traded Unlucky 02 to Lotus for Memory 02. [1406]
Traded Honey 19 to Shikumo for Trumpet 20. [1407]
Traded Summon 18 to Eeveelyn for Resist 20. [1408]
Traded Duck 17 to RoyalBK for Emo 08. [1409]
Traded Hyotei 08 and Trigger 05 to Sei for Flute 11, Trumpet 12, and Trumpet 13. [1410 & 1411]
Traded Drill 10 to Kaurin for Distant 07. [1412]
Traded Ghosts 09 to Hitomik for Youkai 04. [1413]
Traded Advisor 02, Rekka 29, and Souen 11 to Rashiea for Boots 01, Tree 18, and Trumpet 17. [1414-1416]
Traded Rain 06 and Rain 14 to Chandni for Armor 14 and Coffee 14. [1417]
Traded Petals 15 to RoyalBK for Trumpet 01. [1418]
Traded Shaman 16 to Sandie for Emo 12. [1419]
Traded Hyotei 13 to Sei for Exorcist 17 and Novelist 09. [1420]
Traded Scatter 12 to Sei for Resist 13. [1421]
~Traded Disguise 17 to the
Card Exchange for Youkai 14.
Traded Ougi 17 to Kaurin for Exorcist 09 and Tree 13. [1422]
Traded Trigger 08 to Chris for Four 06. [1423]
Traded Husband 10 to Rashiea for Emo 15. [1424]
Traded CEO 07 and Stalker 11 to Lily for Revenge 04 and Trumpet 03. [1425 & 1426]
Traded Kaleido 12 to RoyalBK for Fiance 12. [1427]
Traded Sannin 20 to Rashiea for Fiance 15. [1428]
Traded Clow 27 to Chris for Artes 14. [1429]
Traded Gurren 19 to Ukiyuki for Artes 12. [1430]
~Traded Alana to
Card Spirit Alana for Artes 08.
~Traded Nobodies 01 to the
Card Exchange for Youkai 11.
Traded Kyojyu 09 to Rashiea for Hikikomori 04. [1431]
Traded Resist 05 to Chandni for Flute 08. [1432]
Traded Queen 18 to Rashiea for Trumpet 08. [1433]
Traded Relative 12 to Erica for Doujin 16. [1434]
Traded Seventh 06 to Sandie for Coffee 10. [1435]
Traded Prodigy 10 and Sannin 20 to Lily for Ghosts 15 and Trumpet 16. [1436 & 1437]
Traded Pantera 10 to Sal for Artes 07. [1438]
Traded Kyrios 17 to Ukiyuki for Distant 17. [1439]
Traded Bomb 09 to Sandie for Boots 15. [1440]
Traded Pirate 01 to Rashiea for Tree 16. [1441]
Traded Relative 08 to Chris for Four 16. [1442]
Traded Milk 01 to Red for Seer 01. [1443]
Traded Artes 18 to Rashiea for Staves 01. [1444]
Traded Rat 18 and Relative 09 to Erica for Four 02 and Staves 04. [1445 & 1446]
Traded Kyrios 11 and Kyrios 13 to Sei for Boots 02 and Hikikomori 16. [1447 & 1448]
Traded Pantera 20 to Sal for Artes 05. [1449]
~Traded Uri to
Card Spirit Uri for Artes 16.
Traded Shaman 10 to Sandie for Artes 09. [1450]
Traded King 08 to Shikumo for Knives 18. [1451]
Traded Plan 12 to Chris for Pride 02. [1452]
Traded Axe 14 to Lily for Tree 09. [1453]
Traded Candy 15 to Hitomi for Four 15. [1454]
Traded Gay 11 to Vivi for Doujin 08 and Flute 20. [1455]
Traded Ginryuu 11 to Vivi for Exorcist 13. [1456]
Traded Pirate 05 to Kaurin for Artes 10. [1457]
Traded Legend 13 to Chandni for Coffee 05 and Coffee 09. [1458]
Traded Sherry 10 to Red for Distant 10. [1459]
Traded Fanservice 01 to Rashiea for Four 12 and Tree 08. [1460]
Traded Berry 02 to Sal for Staves 06. [1461]
Traded Author 17 to Ukiyuki for Flute 07. [1462]
Traded Loveless 17 to Doodle for Sleep 19. [1463]
Traded Short 20 to Shikumo for Magic 04. [1464]
Traded Right 04 to Kaurin for Flute 09. [1465]
Traded Hope 08 to Kaurin for Frown 02. [1466]
Traded Alien 14 to Ukiyuki for Boots 10. [1467]
~Traded Nobodies 06 to the
Card Exchange for Artes 18.
Traded Kaiser 07 to Rashiea for Hikikomori 15. [1468]
Traded Advisor 05 to Rashiea for Ghosts 06. [1469]
Traded Uranus 17 and Yanki 01 to Mango for Distant 05 and Four 08. [1470 - 1471]
Traded Puu 03 to Erica for Boots 07. [1472]
Traded Possess 09 to Manaka for Maou 15. [1473]
Traded Puu 14 to Vivi for Artes 17. [1474]
Traded Axe 16 and Hachi 09 to Lily for Maou 08 and Seer 06. [1475 - 1476]
~Traded Hyotei 10 to the
Card Exchange for Coffee 20.
Traded 8th 09 to Rashiea for Tree 15. [1477]
Traded Attack 04 to Taynis for Ghosts 10 and Trumpet 04. [1478]
Traded Gekidasa 08 and Rikkaidai 08 to Sei for Book 03, Idiot 02, and Prince 16. [1479 & 1480]
Artes. Got Distant 04, Distant 14, Ruffles 19, and Shuusaku 07.
Distant. Got Cat 09, Doujin 01, Doujin 13, and Kakumei 18.
Doujin. Got Armor 01, Armor 13, Hat 02, and Locket 10.
~Mastered :
Armor. Got Coffee 12, Coffee 13, Spirit 16, and Staves 05.
Traded Venus 19 to Lotus for Staves 02. [1481]
Traded Mist 09 to Rizu for Flute 05. [1482]
Traded Thief 07 and Thief 12 to Rashiea for Staves 11 and Staves 18. [1483 & 1484]
Traded Spirit 16 to Erica for Exorcist 07. [1485]
Traded Vision 03 to Rashiea for Staves 13. [1486]
Traded Normal 13 to Corinn for Frown 11. [1487]
Traded Seigaku 16 to Lotus for Pirate 08 and Seer 18. [1488]
Traded Chaos 02 to Chandni for Memory 09. [1489]
Traded Hat 02 to Shikumo for Exorcist 20. [1490]
Traded Dragon 06 and Dragon 09 to Lotus for Boots 06 and Wizard 09. [1491 & 1492]
Traded Broom 17 and Broom 18 to Lily for Exorcist 04 and Frown 03. [1493 & 1494]
Traded Husband 10 to Sal for Pride 20. [1495]
Traded Design 14 to Erica for Pride 11. [1496]
Traded Sannin 08 to Sei for Ghosts 08. [1497]
Traded Black 17 to Vivi for Pride 07. [1498]
Traded Phoenix 13 to RoyalBK for Seer 16. [1499]
Traded Dual 10 to Lily for Ghosts 14. [1500]
Traded Ruffles 19 to Rashiea for Flute 14. [1501]
Traded Despair 05 to Shikumo for Flute 02. [1502]
Traded Night 11 to Sei for Boots 14. [1503]
Traded Cook 10 and Cook 12 to Red for Bride 04 and Memory 03. [1504 & 1505]
Traded Souen 09 and Unlucky 10 to Rashiea for Flute 03 and Flute 19. [1506 & 1507]
Traded Cook 14 to Red for Seer 13. [1508]
~Traded Gay 03 to the
Card Exchange for Exorcist 05.
Traded Bandage 16 to Chris for Snap 01. [1509]
Traded Bandage 10 to Chris for Snap 04. [1510]
Traded Bandage 12, Night 18, and Visor 10 to Rashiea for Snap 08, Snap 17 and Tail 07. [1511-1513]
Traded Smokes 11 to Hitomi for Irony 17. [1514]
Traded Perfect 12 to Taynis for Snap 10. [1515]
Traded Cosplay 13 to Red for Revenge 12. [1516]
Traded Seventh 15 to Lotus for Tail 15. [1517]
Traded Evil 04 and Venus 06 to Rashiea for Pride 06 and Snap 16. [1518 & 1519]
Traded Nya 05 and Nya 10 to Chris for Idiot 17 and Magic 18. [1520 & 1521]
Traded Rekka 38 to Rashiea for Trumpet 19. [1522]
Traded Objection 07 to Rashiea for Trumpet 09. [1523]
~Traded Rabbit 19, Unwanted 09, and Unwanted 20 to Ukiyuki for Book 04, Idiot 19, and Resist 09. [1524-1526]
Traded Phoenix 12 to RoyalBK for Snap 09. [1527]
Traded Design 02 and Idiot 09 to Erica for Idiot 09 and Pride 19. [1528 & 1529]
~Traded Moonlight 09 to the
Card Exchange for Boots 04.
Traded Honey 12, Normal 17, and Solar 02 to Lotus for Memory 20 and Psynergy 05. [1530 & 1531]
Traded Dynames 11, Exia 08, Shuusaku 07, and Tone 15 to Sei for Four 17, Psynergy 01, and Tattoo 03. [1532-1534]
Traded Esper 06 to Libby for Tree 04. [1535]
Traded Medic 06 to Erica for Tail 17. [1536]
Traded Hell 11 to Rashiea for Trumpet 11. [1537]
Traded Locket 06 and Photos 14 to Kaurin for Tattoo 18 and Tattoo 20. [1538 & 1539]
Traded Extreme 11, Horse 02, and Horse 16 to Rashiea for Psynergy 08 and Tattoo 12. [1540 & 1541]
Traded Bang 02 to Sandie for Exsphere 01. [1542]
~Traded Moonlight 13 to the
Card Exchange for Boots 19.
Traded Blue 07 to Rashiea for World 06. [1543]
Traded April 16 and Crossover 01 to Corinn for Bride 05, Scar 04, and Scar 06. [1544 & 1545]
Traded Visor 12 to Kaurin for Four 19. [1546]
Traded Traitor 13 to RoyalBK for World 14. [1547]
Traded Bandage 02 to Vivi for Snap 11. [1548]
Traded Inferno 07 to Rashiea for Four 14. [1549]
Traded Kyrios 10 to Sei for Flute 06. [1550]
Traded Bomb 11 and Rain 15 to Rashiea for Tattoo 02 and Trumpet 14. [1551 & 1552]
Traded Bandage 13, Cleaver 10, and Reject 10 to Lotus for Frown 20, Pride 18, and Tattoo 11. [1553-1555]
Traded Cat 09 to Sairaiyle for Tail 11. [1556]
Traded Venus 14 to Eeveelyn for Maou 09. [1557]
Traded Night 10 to Shikumo for Snap 14. [1558]
Traded Loyal 09 and Shift 18 to Libby for Maou 01 and Pride 05. [1559 & 1560]
Traded April 17 to Roxie for Sleep 09. [1561]
~Traded Ougi 15 to the
Card Exchange for Tree 05.
Traded Flame 11 to Rashiea for Prince 06. [1562]
Traded Relative 06 and Tease 14 to Erica for Ghosts 11 and Resist 08. [1563 & 1564]
Traded Amnesia 16 and Tone 02 to Lotus for Ghosts 17 and Seer 07. [1565 & 1566]
Traded Eye 03 to Rashiea for Magic 06. [1567]
Traded Crossover 10 and Crossover 12 to Sal for Pride 14, Staves 07, Staves 08, and Staves 09. [1568 & 1569]
Traded April 08 to Erica for Tattoo 16. [1570]
Traded Lancelot 12 to Lily for Flute 15. [1571]
Traded Bandage 01 to Vivi for Staves 10. [1572]
Traded Lucky 04 to Chris for Idiot 04. [1573]
Traded Bite 07 and Ice 09 to Hitomi for Pride 12 and Prince 13. [1574 & 1575]
Traded Guardian 09 and Reverie 19 to Rashiea for Psynergy 03. [1576]
~Traded Disguise 08 and Disguise 19 to the
Card Exchange for Psynergy 10.
Gift from Red: Tease 19.
Traded Half 12, Half 18, and Rain 19 to Hitomi for Camorra 03, Novelist 15, and Vino 10. [1577-1579]
Traded Cynic 18 to Vivi for Memory 18. [1580]
Traded Normal 10 to Kaurin for Tattoo 15. [1581]
Traded Seventh 13 to Lotus for Buster 15. [1582]
Traded Ginryuu 01 and Ginryuu 08 to Vivi for Psynergy 09. [1583]
Traded Seigaku 06 to Lotus for Psynergy 07. [1584]
Traded Celes 16 to Vivi for Magic 14. [1585]
Traded Firearm 01, Itako 07, Jailbait 11, Japan 10, Mystery 20, and Zangan 01 to Rashiea for Magic 01, Magic 08, Novelist 07, Vino 04, Vino 07, and Vino 16. [1586-1591]
Traded Betrayal 14, Betrayal 17, and Hell 19 to RoyalBK for Scar 03, Scar 08, and Vino 14. [1592-1594]
Traded Half 05 and Hat 13 to Hitomi for Scar 13 and Tattoo 13. [1595 & 1596]
Traded Crossover 10 to Lily for Scar 14 and World 13. [1597]
Traded Taijutsu 06 to RoyalBK for Novelist 18. [1598]
Traded Dynames 02 to Sei for Idiot 11. [1599]
Traded Good Luck to Ukiyuki for Racquet. [1600]
Traded Drill 07, Gurren 01, Knight 04, and Zangan 07 to Rashiea for Buster 02, Camorra 19, Dynames 11, and Tease 14. [1601-1604]
Traded Snap 03, Snap 10, and Snap 20 to Chris for Dynames 13, Dynames 18, and Vino 01. [1605-1607]
Traded Revolver 06 to Manaka for Bride 02. [1608]
Traded Pantera 03 to Hitomi for Prince 02. [1609]
Traded Guardian 06 and Mist 01 to Rashiea for Memory 13 and Prince 03. [1610]
Traded Relative 16, Wizard 12, Wizard 16, and Wizard 20 to Mango for World 09, World 15, World 17, and World 18. [1611-1614]
~Traded Fanservice 16 to the
Card Exchange for Revenge 01.
Traded Book 03 to Sal for Buster 05. [1615]
Traded Sister 11 to RoyalBK for Prince 19. [1616]
Traded Clown 11 to Rashiea for Vino 19. [1617]
Traded Crossover 15 to Hitomi for Dynames 17 and Tease 15. [1618]
Traded Prey 04 to Vivi for Kyrois 09. [1619]
Traded Design 16 and Lost 09 to Erica for Scar 18 and Virtue 14. [1620 & 1621]
~Traded Fanservice 05 to the
Card Exchange for Bride 19.
Traded Knight 03 to Rashiea for Revenge 11. [1622]
Traded Curse 07 to Shikumo for Memory 01. [1623]
Traded Slacker 09 to Shikumo for Resist 04. [1624]
Traded Pan 08 and Strike 04 to Rashiea for Tactics 08. [1625]
Traded Shukaku 13 to RoyalBK for Magic 07. [1626]
Traded Snap 12 to Chris for Vino 11. [1627]
Traded Detective 08 and Emo 03 to Lotus for Dreams 20 and Police 16. [1628 & 1629]
Traded Snap 04 to Lily for Tattoo 09. [1630]
Traded Neptune 18 and Windam 06 to Rashiea for Tactics 07. [1631]
Traded Cat 19 to Sairaiyle for Thrill 18. [1632]
Traded Suit 06 to Sei for Knit 01. [1633]
Traded Lion 19 to Rashiea for Police 15. [1634]
Traded Rayearth 08 and Rayearth 09 to Rashiea for Police 01 and Police 04. [1635 & 1636]
Traded Ballet 02 to Erica for Knit 16 and Memory 07. [1637]
Traded Ougi 15 to Reine for Dreams 17 and Dreams 19. [1638]
Traded Armor 03, Short 08, and Short 09 to Ukiyuki for Dynames 14, Sleep 20, and Virtue 08. [1639-1641]
Traded Loveless 07 to Rizu for Camorra 09. [1642]
Traded Seventh 06 and Seventh 18 to Sal for Dynames 01 and Tattoo 08. [1643 & 1644]
Traded Sinner 06, Witch 17, and Zangan08 to Rashiea for Camorra 13, Dynames 20, and Flute 17. [1645-1647]
Traded Right 02 to Ukiyuki for Knit 06. [1648]
~Traded Fuku 09 to the
Card Exchange for Knit 19.
Traded Night 05 to Sei for Thrill 13. [1649]
Traded Lock 02 to Chandni for Knit 03 and Knit 04. [1650]
Traded Neptune 19, Pan 20, and Windam 17 to Rashiea for Police 11 and Tactics 03. [1651 & 1652]
Traded Gay 12 to Shikumo for Servant 11 and Thrill 20. [1653]
Traded Ego 03 and Iris 02 to RoyalBK for Thrill 17 and Virtue 17. [1654 & 1655]
Traded Pokedex 37 and Pokedex 40 to Lotus for Dynames 03 and Police 13. [1656 & 1657]
Traded Detective 13 and Detective 19 to Rashiea for Knit 14 and Police 17. [1658 & 1659]
Traded Ise 18 to Vivi for Knit 08. [1660]
~Traded Fuku 04 to the
Card Exchange for Knit 13.
Traded Attack 01 to Rashiea for Camorra 07 and Scar 09. [1661]
Traded Hosts 08 and Venus 10 to Taynis for Dreams 08, Knit 05 and Scar 16. [1662 & 1663]
Traded Chaos 02 to Unchainedfenrir for Dynames 10. [1664]
Traded Buster 16 to Koyu for Virtue 19. [1665]
Traded Suit 05 to Chris for Knit 11. [1666]
Traded Sadist 17 to Chris for Knit 18. [1667]
Traded Justice 11 to Chris for Novelist 03. [1668]
Traded Dove 11 to Corinn for Police 02. [1669]
Traded Jellopy 81 to Koyu for Resist 13. [1670]
Traded Hosts 10 to Taynis for Camorra 17 and Dreams 11. [1671]
Traded Celes 19 to RoyalBK for Kyrios 08. [1672]
~Traded Splat 11 to the
Card Exchange for Knit 17.
~Traded Pan 28 to Rashiea for Virtue 16. [1673]
Traded Dove 15 and Rabbit 07 to Corinn for Exsphere 18 and Police 20. [1674 & 1675]
Traded Rekka 09, Rekka 23, Rekka 34, and Souen 18 to Reine for Dynames 07, Tactics 04, and Tattoo 06. [1676-1678]
Traded Complex 11 to Shikumo for Thrill 11. [1679]
Traded Future 07, Future 17, Kaleido 14, and Punisher 11 to Rashiea for Buster 12, Buster 19, Servant 05, and Tease 07. [1680-1683]
Traded Rat 04 and Unlucky 16 to Erica for Servant 07 and Thrill 04. [1684 & 1685]
Traded Sadist 12 to Chris for Chariot 09. [1686]
Traded Night 06 to Chris for Camorra 06. [1687]
Traded Swallow 10 to Lily for Tease 10. [1688]
Traded Neptune 03 to RoyalBK for Thrill 14. [1689]
Traded Dove 18 to Vivi for Magic 15. [1690]
Traded Snake 11 to Lotus for Vino 20. [1691]
Traded Pudding 20 and Tensai 20 to Sei for Scar 02 and Servant 15. [1692 & 1693]
Traded Future 01 and Occult 09 to Rashiea for Buster 09 and Camorra 15. [1694 & 1695]
Traded Playboy 02 to RoyalBK for Thrill 02. [1696]
Traded Lock 14 and Necro 16 to Chandni for Ballet 13 and Vino 06. [1697 & 1698]
Traded Puu 11 and Swallow 19 to Lily for Idiot 13 and Idiot 14. [1699 & 1700]
Traded Relative 05 to Corinn for Resist 11. [1701]
Traded Hunter 12 to Vivi for Servant 19. [1702]
Traded Sketch 20 to Chandni for Scar 17. [1703]
Traded Pokedex 14, Pokedex 73, and Pokedex 130 to Lotus for Servant 17 and Tactics 10. [1704 & 1705]
Traded Demon 02 and Demon 14 to Rashiea for Ballet 14. [1706]
Traded Rekka 01 to Reine for Scar 11. [1707]
Traded Kailu 05 and Snake 13 to Sei for Kyrios 11 and Resist 18. [1708 & 1709]
Traded Pokedex 138 to Reine for Flute 16. [1710]
~Traded Tactics 08 to the
Card Exchange for Tattoo 04.
Traded Cherry 04 and Pan 15Flute 09 and Tattoo 07. [1711 & 1712]
Traded Scatter 16 and Scatter 18 to Hitomi for Buster 20 and Tattoo 05. [1713 & 1714]
For my card post go
Part 4 |
part 6