♥ codename: 006; OTHER, PLEASE SEE OOC NOTES

May 28, 2011 16:33

[ Good morning, Demeleier! When you wake up and go around the village for a moment, it's not hard to spot.. new additions to the village everywhere. And with new additions, I mean the fact that there are papers with the same text spread all throughout the village. Why yes, someone here can be digilent, just for the wrong reasons. If you bother to ( Read more... )

the personification of yaoi fangirls, it's her, without love it cannot be seen!!!, even with love it can't be seen, *other, *ic, in which karkat is embarassed once again, gossip girl much, this is the world's only hope, love knows no bounds, *entry, get your shipping goggles on, what is tact, in her dreams she's the star, as a mun i apologize for this post, isn't this illegal

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Comments 203

sidherioghnach May 31 2011, 22:48:38 UTC
Dearest Love Doctor,

My relationships are my own. I advise you not to pry too deeply into them.

Your other observations, however, are perfectly sweet. Do keep up the good work.

With love,

Her Royal Highness.


wow idek what I was thinking with that html... reloved June 1 2011, 14:04:30 UTC
dear miss queen,

message totally received, sir miss queen miss your majesty! i'm thankful for your approval and will make sure to help everyone in their quest for pure and innocent love in this place!!


the love doctor


sunwell_eyes June 1 2011, 16:28:35 UTC
[Eying one of these lists, reading over it with a shake of his head.]

What in the fel...?


reloved June 1 2011, 17:10:36 UTC
[ Minako will just.. happen to be passing by, nothing suspicious here.. ]

... Oh, hey! You found one of those things too? They're all over the village, aren't they?


sunwell_eyes June 1 2011, 17:12:11 UTC
[Holding it loosely in his hand, gaze cutting to Minako.]

They seem to be.

[The eyebrow, it is arching upwards as he studies you.]


reloved June 1 2011, 17:20:42 UTC
I wonder how they got here.. huh..

[ She picks up one from the ground, trying to act as CASUALLY AS POSSIBLE, before looking it over. ]

Love-love list?


digtastic June 2 2011, 07:43:32 UTC
[ ... What.

Rock may or may not be standing in front of one of the many lists in the village, staring at it like it grew a head. Why? Because Rock will forever be clueless about this stuff. So have a blue kid scratching the back of his head as he tried to figure out just what the heck this list is supposed to be.. ]


reloved June 2 2011, 08:53:20 UTC
[ Hey Rock, Minako is just going to pass by really casually, nothing suspicious here.. ]



digtastic June 2 2011, 09:25:10 UTC

I-I'm... not sure, to be honest. [ Although part of it is that he doesn't recognize more than half the names on the list, so.. ] It's a... love-love list?


reloved June 2 2011, 09:48:54 UTC
Oh! A love-love list! I've heard rumors about these things back home..

[ Wow, Minako. Subtle. Real. Subtle. ]

I think it's supposed to be a list of possible pairings in this place!


[MAILBOX | Strikes Not There] a_la_turk June 2 2011, 21:19:26 UTC
Misinformed Youth,

While I don't understand it may be perfectly good and normal in the society you're from to distribute questionable and incorrect lists such as this one, I ask that you remember and respect that you are no longer in your society. Demeleier is a small community where everyone knows his or her neighbors and must constantly work together toward a common goal if they wish to survive to see the next spring. Because of this, people here guard their secrets and treasure their privacy on a higher level than they would in, say, a community where they could easily get lost in a crowd and be forgotten for a few days, if not forever. There is no way for the people here to escape social stigma blacklisting that may result from the fantasies of a youth such as yourself put on paper and distributed like this. You've also unwittingly trampled on the feelings of others by doing this when the air is already heavy enough with concern and stress over the recent blows to the community ( ... )


strikes not here either... reloved June 2 2011, 21:35:38 UTC
dear party pooper rook,

i'm very sorry to see you misunderstanding my completely noble and pure intentions behind the love-love list. this list isn't here to drag anyone's name through the mud, it's merely here to help them potentially take the next step on the road of their love life!! who knows what great and marvelous horizons are awaiting these people, aaah, i'm getting excited just thinking about it! ♥♥♥♥

... but i guess i'm getting away from the point again, which is that this is merely a list of possibilities that people could use to finally take that final step with their courage or just to amuse themselves with for a little while! as the love doctor it is my duty to ensure everyone's love-love happiness, after all!!

i'm afraid i can't give out specific information though. love doctor's secret and all that jazz. but i can tell you it's all right out there on the network! just check and see!!

with love,

the love doctor


action...!? luckywing June 3 2011, 05:08:34 UTC
[ Well, she's not on this thing, but this list is very interesting! And very confusing... So have a girl outside the inn, headtilting at this piece of paper she found forever. ]

I wonder what a moirail is...


action!!! reloved June 3 2011, 16:57:09 UTC
[ Oh, Minako has to make sure to go inform her, since this is clearly VITAL INFORMATION.. but she can't be too obvious. Even though she's always obvious, even when she tries to be subtle. So Minako will just pretend to casually happen to walk by when she spots Sakura. ]

Oh! Are you talking about these lists that came out of nowhere?


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