About You
Emily Lauren
Since we respect the lj code, are you over 13?: yep, 19
We are curious, how did you find this community?: On my friends page
Describe yourself including both your strengths and weaknesses: Strengths = dreamer,strong-willed,free-spirit, compassionate, romantic, curious, passionate, loyal, creative, determinend
Weaknesses = stubborn, emotional, senstive, headstrong, sharp-tounge/sarcastic, fiery temper, abit judgmental/jumps to conclusions
Iam a headstrong free-spirited dreamer. I believe in true love but have yet to experience it. I often consider myself "quirky" & If I really want something I dont take "no" for an answer. From afar I may look predatory or unfriendly but thats usually not the case, Iam usually outgoing & extroverted but sometimes it takes awhile for people to get to know me. I have a fiery temper & at times I can be quite competitive if I really, really want something that I know is rightfully mine.
This or That
Confident or Insecure: Confident
Extroverted or Introverted: Extroverted
Quiet or Loud: Loud
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive
Hard-Working or Lazy: Hardworking, but likes to be lazy after it all XD
Determined or Accepting: Determined
Making Your Own Destiny or Accepting Fate: Accepting Fate
Pacifist or Temperamental: I can be both
Forgiving or Vengeful: I can be both depending on the situation, but mostly forgiving
Your Movie
What is your favorite movie genre?: Drama/comedy/aniamted/musical/action-thriller/romantic drama/period drama/historical drama - haha im such a movie buff! I watch pretty much everything as long as the plot intrests me.
What does your movie consist of? Is it a tragedy, a love story, or a tale of friendship? Be as creative as possible: I wouldent call it a tragedy, but`s not exacly comical either. I would say its a drama with some comic moments (I consider myself to have a sense of humor thank you very much). It`s about a girl who is just trying to persue her Broadway dreams in the midst of her endless family drama. Her father "left" her & her mother years ago when he became a 2-faced asshole, then he got diabetes & became worse. She hates him for ruining her life. Throughout the years he dissed & judged everyone in her life - leading her to lose all her friends & become a victim of severe bullying throughout elementary school. Nowadays her mother is having an affair with a man from her work - they have been secretly dating for 7 years ever since "girl" was 13 (she just turned 19), which in her eyes made her whole teenage years a lie. Her asshole father doesnt know a thing =0 shocking I know - but thats how stupid he is - fo serious. Girl is scarred & is angry at her family for being so fucked up, but she takes her escape by singing & her Broadway dreams. She admires Meryl Streep & looks to her when in need of guidence & advice. She is a strong person who didnt have anyone to talk to about all this untill recently when she just said to herself "fuck it" & told afew friends & posted it in her livejournal. Lately she is getting abit better, she is learning to live without a "real" dad & get used to her future "stepfather". She doesnt stop believing. So maybe I would consider this a drama with some tragic & comidic moments, with some inspirational messages & friendship.
Describe the location of your film: Toronto Ontario Canada (where I live now)
What would the soundtrack to your movie consist of? Please refrain from using songs that are in the stamping options:
1.Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland (The Wizard Of Oz)
2.Running Down A Dream - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
3.Mama Who Bore Me - Spring Awakening
4.Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father) - Lindsay Lohan
5.Take A Bow - Rihanna
6.The Winner Takes It All - Mamma Mia!
7.What You Own - RENT
8.I Believe - Nikki Yanofsky
9.Epiphany - Sweeney Todd
10.Alice`s Theme - Danny Elfman
11.Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles / Across The Universe (I love both versions)
Anything else you would like to add?: Thank you for voting!
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