About You
Name: SK.
Since we respect the lj code, are you over 13?: Way over...
We are curious, how did you find this community?: Affiliation with some other Disney community...
Describe yourself including both your strengths and weaknesses:: Strengths: Creative, clever, calm for the most part, loyal, imaginative, individualistic, witty, playful, strategic, caring, analytical, good spacial orientation, inquisitive, open-minded, quirky, eccentric, polite, good actor, artistic, curious, passionate, contemplative, funny, silly, laid-back, expressive/animated when in the right mood, good listener.
Weaknesses: Emotional under the surface/moody, withdrawn, spacey, blunt, obsessive, a bit physically weak, distant, lazy, negative, cocky, greedy, lonely, forgetful on things I don't care about, fearful, selfish, sometimes impatient, secretive, sarcastic, indecisive, nerdy.
This or That
Confident or Insecure: Confident in things I know I'm good at, but overall insecure.
Extroverted or Introverted: Introverted.
Quiet or Loud: In the middle. People think of me as quiet usually, but I can be very talkative when the subject is something I'm nerdy about. Also, I'm more talkative than other quieter people I know.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious for the most part, unless I'm feeling impatient.
Hard-Working or Lazy: Lazy...people think I'm hard-working, but I cut corners they don't even realize.
Determined or Accepting: How the hell are these opposites? Both kthx.
Making Your Own Destiny or Accepting Fate: Making my own destiny.
Pacifist or Temperamental: I prefer peace, really, but I won't back away from a challenge when it's something I care about. I also "fake" a temper sometimes just so people know not to step on me. But really, it's all an act.
Forgiving or Vengeful: Forgiving for the most part, unless the vengence is easily done (laaazy) or I'm in a really bad mood (like if I'm tired).
Your Movie
What is your favorite movie genre?: Action/Adventure/Scifi.
What does your movie consist of? Is it a tragedy, a love story, or a tale of friendship? Be as creative as possible: Depth. I like a movie with well-developed characters and beautiful art with hidden meanings. I also like darker tales in opposed to lighter ones, especially if it's equipped with a bit of dark humor. Throw in dragons and you're golden. XD
Describe the location of your film: Outer space in a twisted alternate universe that looks like something someone conjured up while high on LSD. With dragons. Booyah.
What would the soundtrack to your movie consist of? Please refrain from using songs that are in the stamping options: Beautiful orchestras WITH VIOLINS and electric guitars for the more epic moments.
Anything else you would like to add?: I'm an INTP according to Myers-Briggs.
Finally, please link three applications that you voted on: