conversation at dinner tonight was lame. we're moving, i don't know when but its almost definate lol, still in monroe possibly blooming grove. but that means washingtonville schools. eh i don't know.
it sux i know, but you'll get used to it if you do move, plus just because you don't see them everyday, doesn't mean ur friends will forget you, keep in touch with them, its not like you moved from NJ to NY and you can't see em anymore ever again.
Comments 10
actually moving in with me, and not
going to blooming grove. kcool.
it IS definate... :/
this computers making a beeping noise watch it blow up in my face lol
dont forget it bitch.
im not allowed to drive friends yet (parents rules)
but you will just come to schol with me next year! lol
fuck washingtonville!
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