It should be the right of every American citizen to education and health care. Opportunity only comes with education and every child should have opportunity. We should make sure everyone has a right to live/healthcare... "Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
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Comments 4
It's great to meet you and maybe I can learn a think or two from you.
And about the "ramblings" -- I seriously think that we're all going to be very surprised and that none of us have it exactly right. God's Word explains concepts to humans about spiritual things we probably can't even begin to understand. I think that's why there are so many different views from the same book -- we are all just attempting to understand things that seem to contradict. A great example is that God has chooses us but at the same time holds us accountable for our choices. How exactly they are both true, I don't think we can understand.
But even still -- not being able to understand doesn't excuse me from trying. I LOVE to study the Word of God. And I frequently find that I was wrong in my previous views/assumptions.
Again, It was great to get in touch with you.
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