Title: Ballad of the Moon
Pairing: Jaemin, Yoomin
Length: Chapter 3/?
Genre: fantasy, adventure, angst,drama
Disclaimer: idea based on goose-girl fairy tale ~
Summary: Changmin has no control over his life as he's forced to leave his home to become the escort of the Crown Prince in a faraway land. Before he can even reach his destination, he's betrayed
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Comments 85
I hope Junsu pays for what he has done to Changmin.
Life is so unfair to poor Changmin.
It even isn't his fault that he is born as the bastard son of the king.
I really hate how people in this world can treat others like the way Changmin is being treated.
i know im treating changmin horribly sso far ..but im letting the evil characters have their way for now.... -0- good will win in the end tho~ :)
XD is it Jaejoong or Yoochun.....jaejoong?? i think...OMG and who are they really? i really thought that maybe one of the was the prince which min was to marry....but wow this is cool tho,,the whole magic thing....and junsu..>.> what a jerk! so he wanted to take min's place...
cant wait for another update ^^
your questions will be answered next chappie :)
and junsu :(... someone needs to punish him lol ~~
more coming soooonnn <3 <3 !
i love this!!!!
Chanmi's hero is finally here!!!
and Junsu?!!!
how could you!!!
and you condone to them cutting Chanmi's tongue??!!!!
i'm disappointed in our AngelXia...
owh well...
at least i get to keep the fact that they've met!!!!
no way would they ever be able to cut his tongue~ not when jaejoongie needs that for a very..important.. magical.....experience... i mean experiment... XDDDDDDD
dont be too disappointed about angelduckbutt.... he'll get in lots of trouble later and just DONT feel sorry for him. well maybe u can, a litle.
and huhu well i might get a little sad for AngelXia too since he is my little guilty pleasure...huhu..:))
-_-" huhu..:))
um i want jaemin's love to be a magical experience :D i more ways than ONE ~ cuz this is fantasy yaahooooo ~ XDD ahem . calming down now.
i know actually me too TT im worried im gona feel too sorry for him after im done :( cuz he's not EVIL or BAD.. just keeps making bad choices :S which happens to a lot of innocent people in life sigh...
changmin's gona be drowning in angst for a while :X hehehehe
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