Title: Maybe Definitely (7/7)
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 39 000
Rating: NC17 overall
Disclaimer: Everything you can possibly think of, and then some. Spoilers for 40.5 and the entire series, including ShinTenipuri.
Warning: Girl parts, and then some. Crude humour. Misogyny. The usual.
Summary: Renji wakes up as a girl.
Author's Notes: This is a one-
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Comments 20
But it's good we didn't got through the hate mail and more angsty things. Things will look up for them. Evenm when Renji isn't the best housewife.
I hate how you make me love this pair every single time you write them. Becaue it's never enough. XD;;
But aside any gender and baby issues, you still put that even when they're not the best of friends, they're a team.
A lovely story, Alliosn, thanks for sharing it.
So I wanted to say thanks. ♥
And there are stories I'd love to never end. This is one of those.
That doesn't mean I didn't liked the others!
Just that there are times when I'm able to leave a proper feedback and it's better when everything is fresh, because I proved that I fail posting with my notes. ^^;;
You're welcome. <3
And that you 'got' Yukimura being an ass about surgery recovery times. Eheh.
Ah, until you mentioned Inui, he completely slipped my mind. Next time, I promise. He'll pop up.
I must say, I rather enjoyed that little part where Renji goes and visits Niou. Niou really needed that bit of support.
As for Renji, I'm glad he survived childbirth, and you can tell how Akaya is maturing now that he's a father. I love how they're trying to hold on to what they have left of their "childhood" though.
I know Renji's mother is just trying to be helpful, but I think she does need to step back a bit and let Renji make his own mistakes in parenting (but I think he'll be fine).
I'm just a bit relieved that this wasn't as heartbreaking as the last one. And I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to comment on individual parts. I like knowing how the whole story fits together before I say anything. :)
The Renji and Niou part kind of wrote itself and came out of nowhere. Niou needed to be cut a break, poor guy.
lol, the stuff with Renji's mother actually stems from Japanese pregnancy websites I was trolling (research) and apparently they have some strange ideas about pregnancy and babies. So it was added both as a humour element, and to reinforce the fact Renji is a teenage know-it-all at times. ;)
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