So once again it has been a while.. but perhaps I will try to write in here once a month or something, keep it regular! By the way, the weather here is gorgeous, mild springtime weather! Yeah, in January and February. I know
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keep being brought back.. back to reality I am a new led zepp and alice in chains fan! Nothing but good times over here.. I was in the pride parade today and steve watched it but didn't see me dancing so sexy on my bike.
what a frickin great day!! I won't go into too much detail, but I went on a farm tour at Madrona farm this morning and bought some fresh veg (beets, chard, garlic, patty pans) and I just made the best meal I have ever made
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I am moving in with Steve on Aug 1! We found a sweet suite and have signed the rental agreement. His bike is constantly in need of some repair or another, but hopefully it will be fine after this tune-up, fine enough to ride a couple hours to work every day once he starts it in July. Right now he's actually working in the kitchen at my work which I
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Weighed myself the other day... somehow I weigh just over 130 lbs, almost 25lb less than I thought. I guess it's from all this biking and buffing up (what with the serving muscles and all). I haven't weighed less than 140 since grade 9, not that it makes a difference.. heck, obviously it doesn't
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Listening to some sweet soul, gettin ready for a nice bike on a lovely day to see my sweetest of loves, and just got off a shift at work knowing I have the next three days off! Happy V-day everyone. The cafe I work at closes on Stats so it's awesome
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