I'm so effin' bored ... Such a lame summer plus i had to read these stupid books for school about people getting murdered in china and india and on a boat.... One day i shall run away and never come back.... can't wait
I guess i'm to nice for my own good.... Thats how it seems, I mean i try to be nice and listen to people, but w/e I guess nice gals finish last.I think i shall do something dramatic, drastic, and maybe then i will feel a change. this effin sucks!!
I feel sick...I stayed up till 5am and woke up at 10am.I have this pink eyeliner makeup on that won't come off, so it makes me look like i'm on drugs.Last night was fun.The end.............
Well i finally made some money.For three days i cleaned a house.But it wasnt all pretty and clean already, it was so gross.There was gum on the floor and tons of dirt on the cabinet.I mopped everywhere about 3 times.There was dirty towles on the ground.It was so gross.But i got paid so i guess it worked out.