well things are going very well since I changed classes from an obsessive friend of mine. It's (well nearly) completely out of my mine. I want to show you a story called "a true nurse romance" which is by a writer called William Kotzwinkle.
I am sick of getting abusive, drunk emails from a friend if i go 14 hours with out talking to him and he thinks I'm ignoring him and then even more war-and-peace length apology emails full of "I know you aren't interested but I'm more in love than anyone I've ever known" and "please forgive me I don't want to lose the best thing that ever happened
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last night I met up with Cassie and Megan and we saw Amanda Palmer at the Flyby night club. I licked Cassie's eye and she didn't like it. I liked the song "it runs in the family the best I think. I bought the cello player's cd. It's Zoe Keating, check her out. I need to do more homework.
Mum and I took turkle to Darlington to give to alison. it was a disater introducing her to annie. she came home with us and now Ive convinced gran to let her stay. the first night she came toby and her kept hissing at eachother but I think he's figured out she's his mum now and he kepts going to play with her. she hits him over the head if he gets
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well I met a guy who writes really good experimental electronica music. he found my msn on okcupid.com ahahah. really good actually. seems like a bit of a tosser though
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