OOC | Relationships

Jan 03, 2010 05:57

Yazoo - velveteen-shaft - Though they are not siblings in the typical sense, he is close to him and cares about him more than anyone else here.
Caim - undeify - It's positive because he likes annoying him!
Rikku - chrysophilist - Likes that she isn't like most people he has encountered, and enjoys being around her. Finds her attractive but doesn't know what that means.
Dai - redeify - Finds him interesting and entertaining.

Angeal Hewely divigate - Mostly neutral ally. At first was wary to trust him but now does more than before though is still unsure about some things.
Uchiha Sasuke scales-shed - Though he doesn't know him very well yet, he has teamed up with him for now and has no negative feelings toward him.
Reno - riotinstereo - Negative neutral. Still has feelings of resentment for him, but he's someone he's known since the beginning of here, so imagining him gone would be strange.

Tseng - gunsight - He helped take JENOVA. Of course he would hate him.
Elena - blonde_neophyte - Hates her as well.
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