Title: Drunk!Kyu + Ddangkoma's Email + Sick!Yesung
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Crack, Fluff
Rating: PG-13 (minor cursing)
Length: drabbles
Summary: Kyuhyun got drunk. Ddangkoma sent Kyuhyun an email. Yesung got sick
Dedicated to: Naz/
midnight ^^ Happy Birthday Naz! weird fluff!
Note: might contain errors.
Comments 11
It made me remember how hard Kyuhyun must have had it in the first few months of his SJ-life, though. It must have been very stressful, poor him =( Happy they aren't like that anymore ㅋ
Okay the second is my FAVORITE XD I don't know why, but Ddankkoma instantly made me think of Heechul. I think Heebum spent too much time with Ddankkoma and turned him into a Heechul the 2nd XD
"Hmm... I taught Ddangkoma self-defence, ninja skills...." everything that followed came blurred to Kyuhyun <- LAUGHED MY ASS OFF HERE XD I can see a turtle do all of that XD I actually imagined that giant turtle doing some ninja and karate with his turtle paws :3 ROFL ( ... )
I like the first one more, because it was fun AND a bit sad.
I always feel bad when I read anything about the first days of KyuHyun with Super Junior. It was rude for him, poor KyuHyunie u_u But things seem a lot better now XD
The one with Ddangkoma was fun XDDD
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