Title: Wait
Pairing: KyuSung / YeKyu
Genre: Romance, Fluff, AU
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Summary: In which Yesung got tired of waiting and Kyuhyun thought they'll be breaking up.
Note: I managed to write something *success!* might contain errors.
Kyu, I can't wait anymore )
Comments 16
Thanks for making me smile every time I read something you write
I want a sensitive Kyu too^^ I really like it when he acts younger~
making you smile makes me happy :DD
thank you for always commenting <3
OMG RHEN!! I was on my way to exam room and stress out and I open my LJ and I found this on the first row! and... I'm not regretting that I click it!!
I was grinning from ear to ear and can't stop giggling and my friends thought that I was getting crazy because of the exam LOL
You are so awesome rhen! despite being busy on your hell week, you managed to write this sweet simple story..
I hope you're doing well on your hell week *^^*
wow, I miss spazzing in LJ with you!
write something when you have time, please?
I adore cute!Kyu and mischievous!Yesung
thank you so much for all the support and love ;A; I love you so much!
Fighting to you Babie! and congrats again! :*
thank you for writing this ^^
happy birthday again!
I love how Kyuhyun immediately assumes the worst and just starts freaking out and going hysterical. It was just too cute.
Though Yesung has to take some of the blame. Either just for wording it badly or just not saying it fast enough, letting Kyu freak. >.<
But cute Yesung wanting to be close to Kyuhyun and deciding to move. ^^ Kyu won't have to be lonely anymore. And they won't need to do anymore kisses through the computer or phone. haha.
So just over all lots of cuteness.^^
I like seeing Kyu freaking out! XD well, Yesung loves seeing freaking out Kyu too! hahaha!
fighting with your fics! ^^/
they're so lovely.. perfect OTP right? :DD
I'm happy that I can make you giggle :DD
true! KyuSung is the perfect OTP!
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