This is my author's notes for my Firefly/Stargate Atlantis crossover universe, Atlantis That Was. This avoids overly long notes on each fic.
Atlantis That Was is for my
crossovers100 claim of Firefly, the entire show. My challenge table is here.
Atlantis That Was begins shortly after "Runner" (2.03) and is set on Atlantis. In terms of Firefly, it takes place about 6 months after the series, the BDM ("Serenity" the movie) never occured.
Within Atlantis That Was, there is a series of vignettes called "Scenes From an Atlantean Restaurant" (SFAR), about 1000 words each, that occur in the Atlantis cafeteria/mess hall or the adjacent balcony. They are not meant to be a rigid series. The title "Scenes From an Atlantean Restaurant" was shamelessly stolen from Billy Joel's song "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant".
The initial story of how this crossover occured is currently a WIP. It will be the only story posted out of order.
Current stories in the Atlantis That Was universe, in order written:
Blanket of Darkness - PG (River/Atlantis, John/Atlantis, John/?, mild angst, friendship)
SFAR - Sample Taste - G/All Ages (John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Jayne; gen)
SFAR - Camellia Sinensis - PG-13/Teen (Jayne, Ronon; gen, mentions of violence)
The stories are cross-posted at
crossovers100 , firefly_plus, serenity_gate, and stargate_xing.