Hope dies last

Oct 12, 2011 06:51

I've crawled out of the black hole I disappeared in on Monday again and have now rediscovered my fighting spirit. I am NOT going to give up. Not after I already got so much support from my friends! I am going to see my boyfriend on October 30th! In order for that to happen, I need to get together enough money to also cover the second month of my ( Read more... )

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Comments 36

ina October 12 2011, 05:45:02 UTC
I really think you are doing the right thing! Bravo for having the courage to seek the help of your friends. Since paypal is taking a fee, and you are probably still not allowed to have the money on your German bank account, I am also offering my German bank account for everyone in the euro zone who prefers to use a wire transfer. Mail me at inaelf at gmail dot com or send me a pm for the bank details.


katyhh October 12 2011, 05:52:31 UTC
Shall do so. Thanks, Ina!


riccichan October 12 2011, 06:46:39 UTC
Thank you! *overwhelmed with gratitude* That is very, very generous of you, I really appreciate it!

I still feel a little bit like a leech - but at the same time I feel absolutely blessed! I want to engrave this feeling in my heart, so that the next time when I feel like the only star in a vast universe of darkness I will remember the love and support of my friends.



ina October 12 2011, 07:23:24 UTC
Don't feel like a leech because that would make us leech victims and we don't want to feel like victims. :)

You are just very welcome. And I am glad that I finally do something to help you.


katyhh October 12 2011, 05:52:05 UTC
Please, do NOT ever sell your guitar(s). *HUGS*


riccichan October 12 2011, 06:48:23 UTC
With the electrical one I can part, I almost never play it. The acoustic guitar so often feels like the voice from my heart - even if I had to sell all my clothes I would hang on to that!

THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart (and also from N.)! *squeezes*


jaegerin October 12 2011, 06:37:01 UTC
Asking your friends for help is not begging, ok?! And I second Katy about the guitar.


riccichan October 12 2011, 06:54:04 UTC
Thank you! *hugs* I am still so overwhelmed with gratitude and sometimes even disbelief when faced with the generosity and goodwill of my friends. Sometimes I can't help but feel like a leech, like I can't possibly give back even half of what they selflessly give to me, financially and emotionally. But I also feel truly blessed that I have such amazing friends! And I will strive to be as good a friend to them, to you, too. :)

My guitar would be the thing I sell last, when there is nothing else left. I love it dearly!


jaegerin October 12 2011, 14:50:14 UTC
It's like this: sometimes we need help and sometimes we are lucky enough to be in a position to offer help. And we can't always help the exact same people who helped us, but it's the helping that counts.


riccichan October 13 2011, 17:01:24 UTC
That is such a beautiful thought. And one that I will try to live by, too! I will never forget this for the rest of my life, I feel like I'm in a dream!


seidenstrasse October 12 2011, 06:38:22 UTC
Ich hab schon seit Tagen überlegt, wie ich Dir das anbieten kann, ohne aufdringlich zu sein. Schön!
Kann ich Dir vielleicht auch so überweisen? Paypal hat schon genug Geld!


seidenstrasse October 12 2011, 06:42:21 UTC
Ach so: Mußt Du in den USA Miete bezahlen, oder ist das die hier? Vielleicht findest Du ja einen Untermieter für die Zeit? Oder ist das unangenehm? (Ich würde das vielleicht auch nicht unbedingt machen, gibt aber ganz OK Geld. Meine Mutter findet immer Leute über studenten-wg.de.)


riccichan October 12 2011, 06:59:09 UTC
Das ist eine gute Idee, danke für den Tipp! Ich weiß noch nicht genau, wie ich das mit den Karnickeln machen soll, ob ich meine Freunde hier vor Ort damit belästigen oder bei der Bunnyhilfe anfragen soll, ob die die beiden für zwei Monate aufnehmen würden. Vielleicht könnte ich ja einen Untermieter finden, der die beiden erträgt und zusätzlich noch füttert und alle zwei Wochen das Streu wechselt? Das wäre natürlich super. Ich werde gleich mal dorthin surfen!


seidenstrasse October 12 2011, 14:46:02 UTC
Am besten ist es, wenn man selbst eine Anzeige aufgibt und gleich die Bedingungen reinschreibt. Dann hat man meistens eine Auswahl an Leuten und wählt dann den oder die passendste. Wäre ja wirklich praktisch mit den Hasis.


eintx October 12 2011, 07:34:11 UTC
Don't sell the keyboard!!


riccichan October 13 2011, 17:03:51 UTC
I'm hanging on to it for now, thanks to the generosity of my friends! ♥♥♥


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