well this is what ive been doing for the past couple of days put it down for sodf roastin chillin pretty much it!!!!M!r!E!i!P!c!S!k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s!o!d!f---------------
summer was pretty kool an all but its over this last week was pretty tight i went to ranging waters then i went camping wit my bro an all his homies it was koo im outs thought lates
sup sup! this bee drea! Im updatin for rick cuz yeah Im bored and shit. you know!!I kinda know what rick did today cuz I saw him at the mall wiff hugo, freddy and patrick! but he didnt say hi to me cuz I dont know..I "didnt look his way" lol. aiite well Im outs..Hook it up with the comments! dont be motha fuggin gay!
damn summer is pretty gay im just like always doing the same stuff every day i just need to do sumthjing tight already call me up if u guys want to chill....