Title: Taste The Rainbow Fandom: The Walking Dead Characters: Rick Grimes, Andrea Prompt: #39 - Taste Word Count: 2,321 Rating: PG13 Summary: He could recognize that sound anywhere.
Title: Twenty Three Characters: Rick Grimes, Andrea Rating: PG Disclaimer: Obviously they're not mine. Spoilers: Issue #100 Word Count: 1,568 Summary: Another name has been erased from their community and this loss is crippling. Author's Notes: Entry for the fanfic100 challenge. The prompt is #98 - Numbers.
Title: Lavender Characters: Rick Grimes, Andrea Rating: PG Spoilers: None Word Count: 1,073 Summary: He wants her to have something nice, something that reminds her that not everything is dead. Author's Notes: This is my first entry for the fanfic100 challenge. The prompt is #36 - Smell.
Title: A series of song inspired ficlets (snippets, short fics, whatever), some longer than others Author: kaitlia777Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
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