all-purpose contact post for players from campfuckudie to use when star is unavailable on irc/aim/etc. feel free to leave a message here any time! i'll get to you as soon as possible.
thread directory additionally, comment here for any of the following:
a. threads you'd like me to pick up
b. threads i've forgotten to log here
c. anything you think i should tag
[There is a mikan sitting (delicately, if the bandages are any indication) outside the mess hall with a cup of coffee in hand this morning. She's staring at nothing in particular, and her coffee has in fact gone completely cold.]
[Someone should probably let her know. Cold coffee is gross.]
Some caps of Kanna Mori (Natsumi's actress) being pretty from her idol DVD (Forest Seeds) go here! Obviously this is probably not dial-up friendly. I only capped the three themed photoshoots ("cute", "feminine" and "cool") and the black & whites in the credits. They're not the best (the file isn't of great quality) but they get the point across and
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