The good news is, the ENT doesn't think there's any need to stick a scope down my nose or my throat. He says that if there was a tumor or anything, it wouldn't be on-and-off the way I'm describing, it'd be constant. He agrees it's anxiety.
The bad news is, he thinks exercise is the answer. This is not exactly what I wanted to hear.
1) Sure, it's
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Comments 49
I want to poke at that "I hate exercise" statement but I'm going to trust you can do that yourself.
It all feels incredibly pointless and unenjoyable. Ask me to help a friend move house, and I will carry boxes up and down stairs all day. Ask me to go out dancing, and I'm out there all night.
I've tried to use dancing as an exercise before. I usually manage to hold it up for about a month, and then it goes to hell.
In fact, I manage ANY sort of exercise for a month, tops, and then I get my period, and I feel like death, and when I take my nice painkillers I have zero motivation to exercise, and that breaks my streak, and I'm done.
I fucking hate exercise.
. if it has to be running, i suggest the couch-to-5k program so you don't hurt yourself starting too fast (the classic problem).
. i stopped turning my ankles and getting knee injuries when i switched from "stabilizing" running shoes to vibram five-finger "barefoot" running shoes. ymmv.
. what answer were you hoping for?
I can't really wear five-finger shoes. My second and third toes are webbed together one joint up. I can't wear toe socks either.
Yoga is sort of an option, though I feel like an idiot at it, and it's not cardio. I especially hate falling over in tree pose.
I was hoping for tranquilizers. :-/
there are other barefoot running shoes that aren't toe shoes, but i have no personal experience of them -- there are reviews on the web. marathon sports carries vibrams and possibly others.
if it's for anxiety, is there some reason it needs to be cardio?
if you fall in tree pose, you are supposed to do it holding onto a piece of furniture for stability. (this applies to any pose; falling is not helpful!)
i'm tranquilizer-dependent myself, but i still don't think i could get by without exercise as well. (i have ptsd.) tranqs annoy the heck out of me actually, but that's a different rant and on my time :)
Hugs, best wishes, and all the luck!
I know he means well, and he seems to have good reasoning behind it. And I don't know what your history with meds is, and he does. But uh, I'm just curious, did he /suggest/ any fucking anxiolytics, at all?
My partner's been on anxiolytics for A Long Time. It's not ideal (cuz, money), but it's also not a major issue. If exercise (currently) makes you anxious, I think that drugs (plus maybe exercise IF YOU WANT and if you can find ways to de-link it from the hatred/bad cycles) are a good option, while you find out what-all's making you so anxious.
Anyway. Glad you don't have to deal with this ENT Ever Agayne.
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