Beware of Frentolips: Chapter 1

Apr 12, 2010 00:31

Title: Beware of Frentolips
Author: Rikki-chan
Rating: T
Genre: General, Humor
URL: Only on LJ for now
Summary: “Well Harry, a Frentolip is going to attack you soon, you see. He'll take you to his lair where you'll be displaced through time! It's all very sad, everyone will miss you terribly, but..."
Any warnings: Crossover of GW/HP. Completely unbeta'd -- Crappy writing?
Word Count: 723
Chapters: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Gundam Wing. This is written purely for my own amusement. Plunny by knoteach at Slytherins Collective Yahoo Group.


Harry Potter strolled down Diagon Alley. It had been two weeks since the Battle of Hogwarts and the defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort. Harry looked around him. Laughter and joy permeated the Alley as people went about their business. And celebrated, he thought wryly, as three drunk wizards stumbled with each other singing a horrible rendition of 'We are the Champions'.

He shook his head. He wished he didn't have to be here. Wished he was at Hogwarts helping out or taking care of his godson, Teddy, but Gringotts sent him a rather urgent owl and both Ron and Hermione told him he should take care of it sooner rather than later.

Harry paused near the steps of Gringotts. Luna Lovegood was standing in a small alcove in between the bank and another store. She beckoned him over to her, so he changed directions and met her.

“Hullo Luna,” he greeted warmly.

“Hullo Harry,” Luna returned the greeting smiling.

“How are you and your father doing?”

“Oh, we're doing alright, thank you. My father's decided to take an extended trip in Sweden to look for the Crumple-Horned Snorklacks. He said he's found a lead. I'm very excited.”

Harry smiled. You could always count on Luna or her father to look for creatures no one has ever heard of. “That's great Luna! I'm happy for you.”

Luna smiled, “Thank you. We're leaving soon, so I'm glad I managed to catch you. I did need to speak with you.”

Harry blinked, “Oh? About what?”

“Well, I was wondering if you'd let me come with you to your meeting with your bank manager?” she asked shyly.

Harry opened his mouth about to question her on how she knew he was meeting his bank manager before realizing she was a reporter, so he asked the better question.


She looked at him piteously, as if she felt sorry that he couldn't understand why, “Well Harry, a Frentolip is going to attack you soon, you see. He'll take you to his lair where you'll be displaced through time! It's all very sad, everyone will miss you terribly, but, well if you don't set up some money in the muggle world now, you won't be able to access it when you wake up. It'll leave you dependent on people you don't know, and there's a good chance the government will get their hands on you and that just won't end well for anybody,” she finished with a shake of her head.

“So...a Frentolip is a monster that takes people through time?” he asked trying to wrap his head around what she said.

“Oh no!” exclaimed Luna, “Frentolips are rather jealous creatures, bent on revenge, you see. They frequently attack those they're jealous of and take them back to their lairs to eat them.”

Harry paled, “I'm going to be eaten?”

Luna sighed, “Try to pay attention Harry. The Frentolip is going to take you to his lair, but you're going to be displaced through time while there. Understand?”

Harry resisted the urge to shake his head and instead muttered, “Yeah, sure.”

“So you'll let me come with you? I already know what muggle banks you'll need money in. And all that identification stuff you'll need.”

“Err...” Harry hesitated. On the one hand, Luna had never done anything to hurt him and certainly wouldn't be able to do anything with his money if he was there. On the other hand, it was his money and he didn't know Luna very well. He frowned, thinking hard. The chances of him getting attacked by a...Frentolip, were next to none, but it would probably be good to have money in muggle banks. A good backup plan at any rate, and if Luna had all that information readily available...

“Alright Luna,” he answered at last, “You can come.”

Luna clapped her hands and giggled, “Great! You won't regret this Harry, promise.”

Harry smiled and shook his head.

“I'm sure I won't Luna,” he stated as he led her into the bank.

book series: harry potter, anime series: gundam wing, fanfiction, story: beware of frentolips, crossover

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