Title: Passing Fandom: Hikaru no Go Characters: Touya Akira, Fujisaki Akari Rating: G Prompt: word #8: troglodyte Disclaimer: Hikaru no Go belongs to Hotta Yumi and Obata Takeshi. Not mine. Word Count: 361
Title: Shadow Fandom: Hikaru no Go Pairing: Touya Akira/Fujisaki Akari Rating: G Prompt: phrase #3: Fragile as a dream Disclaimer: Hikaru no Go belongs to Hotta Yumi and Obata Takeshi. Not mine. Word Count: 189
Or eight months and 23 days, if anybody wants to be technical. Fanart of Ryuuzaki Sakuno and Fuji Shuusuke (or however you spell their names) of Prince of Tennis fame. Yay.