Tina almost expected everything to be different once she'd
made her decision. Of course, it wasn't. She got up the same as usual, dressed and prepared for her shift, left her quarters and went to sickbay. She said hello and smiled at acquaintances and coworkers. Everything was perfectly ordinary. Well, as ordinary as anything ever was on the Enterprise.
She made a mental note to talk to M'Benga or McCoy about adjusting her vitamin supplements - and anything else she ought to be doing differently right away, now that she'd decided to keep the baby - when she got a chance, but aside from that, it looked like it was going to be just another normal day in sickbay. Tina checked in, familiarized herself with the charts of all of the patients currently undergoing longer-term treatments, and got ready to face whatever was going to come through sickbay's doors next.