Two boys were found guilty, sentenced to one year (Ma'lik), and two (Trent, the extra year for posting a nude photo of the unconscious rape victim on the floor). Here's something I have to disagree with
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Last week I tried YOGA for the first time. There are 3 different places to do so in my town. I avoided the one that wants to read my aura/energy vibes (cult! but tempting as it's right next door to Starbux). Went to an introductory session for beginners
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I just don't have the psychic energy for typing here regularly about what I'm thinking/feeling/doing. Never have been a journal-er/diary-keeper. FB is easy because I can just click "share" on things other people post that I think/feel about.
But I come here to read y'all. Wish there was a "I was here/waves" button to click.