Location: Weyrleaders' Office Time: Early morning on Day 18, Month 4, Turn 4 Players: Roa, R'vain, Ruvoth, Tialith, Vellath Scene: The weyrleadership discusses what they're going to do about Five Mines.
Location: Infirmary Time: Evening on Day 23, Month 2, Turn 4 Players: Roa and Sefton Scene: When Sefton is (mostly) coherent enough for visitors, he gets one.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening on Day 22, Month 2, Turn 4 Players: Roa and Penny Scene: Penny alerts the Weyrwoman to the current state of the Headmaster.
Location: North Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 4, Month 2, Turn 4 Players: Penny and Roa Scene: Penny goes to visit Roa, but things that happen before she visited Roa make that visit an unhappy one.
Location: North Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 27, Month 13, Turn 3 Players: Miniyal, Roa, Jashin Scene: Miniyal has been instructed to bring a present to the new mom by her mom. Jashin proves himself useful in ways unpredicted.
Location: North Weyr Time: Wee hours of Day 23, Month 13, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Ashwin, Jashin Scene: A couple start to adjust to having one more around the weyr.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening of Day 20 to early morning of Day 21, Month 13, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Ashwin, Neiran, Jandor, R'vain, Tialith Scene: Well, it had to happen eventually.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening of Day 20 to early morning of Day 21, Month 13, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Ashwin, Neiran, Jandor, R'vain, Tialith Scene: Well, it had to happen eventually.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening on Day 21, Month 12, Turn 3 Players: Roa and Ashwin Scene: The day after this scene, new furniture arrives and Ashwin helps to move it. Names get discussed again. In a historic moment, Roa loses a debate.
Location: North Weyr Time: Evening on Day 20, Month 12, Turn 3 Players: Roa, Ashwin Scene: Roa is moving furniture. Ashwin catches her doing it. It turns into a discussion they probably should have had long before now.