So, this has been a really fantastic stretch for me for board and card games, and I figured I'd run through the goodness.
Race for the Galaxy continues to be our go-to game. I have lost track of how many times we've played. The two player game holds up really quite well, but playing with my wife is a welcome pleasure, and the wife-friendliness
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Comments 25
Race for the Galaxy was described to me as "like San Juan, but better," and while I agree with the first half of that statement, I can't agree with the second. I found the card design difficult to follow, and the extra complexity to be a bit too much.
That said, I've never encountered the Guildhall problem you're having. Production buildings just aren't powerful enough by themselves to justify having a lot of them; I usually just ignore them. In a two-player game, if one player ignores the production buildings, the other player needs two turns to produce and sell, and that takes too long. Give me a Library, a Chapel, and a City Hall, and I can beat somebody with a Guildhall and a slew of Indigo plants.
Been playing Wits and Wagers for awhile now. It holds up very well.
If you get a chance, check out Word Blur. Another fun, party game for wordy types such as yourself.
My favorite part about Revolution? You can learn the game in about 5 minutes, play in under an hour, and constantly curse the other players at the table. And changing who you play with drastically changes the tone of the game. It's very much a "adapt to the players" style of game in that some games have a lot of negotiation while other games have a lot of brutal head-to-head interaction.
I like Dominion better than Race as I don't keep forgetting the rules and the cards are easier to read. But then, I don't play many board games.
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