Are you coming to Toronto? If you are, stay away from the university bars because they're really tight about underage drinking. I'll ask my roommate if she knows of any places that don't usually check IDs (because I was a loser and didn't go out until I was 19). If you are coming to TO, let me know and we'll see if we can hook up at some point. And if you're not... then you suck and should be coming here.
lol, well if I was coming to TO you would have been the first to know of course. Im actually spending the 24th in Niagarga Falls then we're going to the Mraz show the next night in Niagara, NY. I was hoping we could go to some bar or club or something ya know?
I wish you were coming to that know you want to! :)
You think you know me so well, don't you? Well, you do. I was actually waiting to hear from Jon if he could get the day off of work, but I decided last night that I'm gonna go either way. I don't know about staying over, but it's only like an hour and half away from me so I can drive up in the morning. I'm so glad you're going! Do you have tickets yet? I was thinking of just begging for guest list.
I KNEW it! No, I dont have tickets yet, I was kinda thinking the same thing, haha.
You should totally come hang with me and Alexis of right now we're not planning on staying overnight on the 25th, but if you guys wanted to split a hotel room with us Im sure we'd have a blast! It would probably be really cheap too 'cause we pricelined a 4 star hotel room for $60 a night, nice, eh?! So yeah, just let me know!
Comments 10
Good luck babe! Let me know how it goes :)
God damn being 19.
God damn being 20.
Ya gotta long way to go, honey! ;)
Check the height and weight on there. If it is drastically different, they might question it. Just the picture is a good match!
I wish you were coming to that know you want to! :)
You should totally come hang with me and Alexis of right now we're not planning on staying overnight on the 25th, but if you guys wanted to split a hotel room with us Im sure we'd have a blast! It would probably be really cheap too 'cause we pricelined a 4 star hotel room for $60 a night, nice, eh?! So yeah, just let me know!
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