wow, i've posted almost 200 journal entries. cool. i didn't think i'd stick with this whole livejournal thing when i first started, but I must say it's very therapeutic, which is what got to me to join in the first place. cool
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haven only seen the 2nd of the mariachi trilogy, (especially the first sex scene i ever saw with Selma Hayek) i cant really judge. I just like the weirdness of Spy Kids plus the fact that he edited, directed, wrote, and scored it himself, he also scored Kill Bill sin city? and thus, this is the place where my like exists. I see your dislike. as edna would say, Forget it darlin!!! he's terribly attractive (as far as directors go)
dat was a hot sex scene though. i hear you on dat, he's what I'd like to be, the one that does almost everything in a movie. I always dreamed of being the one that makes a $12,000 movie look like a $1,000,000. but his movies just seem so careless to me. it irks me, i know he could do so much better. Sin City is his greatest so far, and even that was lacking a lil.
yes, very good eye dearest soul secret ultra! but now that we've spoken about what we've spoken about, my mood matches the content of my journal. thank you again sir.
Mariachi trilogy is El Mariachi, a low budget Mexican movie which was one of Robert Rodriguez's (director of Sin City) first films. You might be familiar with its sequels: Desperado and Once Upon A Time in Mexico (for some reason it always comes into my head as New Mexico).
if he reads my journal then he'll know where he can get a good ass kissing from! why? did you show him my journal? :::narrows eyes:::
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i knew that name sounded familiar ... I really wanna see once upon a time in mexico ... hmmm imma see how much it is in amazon... did i tell you that i LOVE amazon, LOVE IT... more than Pussy ... and YOU know how much i love pussy... cuz i don't. ...
Comments 9
and what if R. Rodrigez reads ur journal? what then?
if he reads my journal then he'll know where he can get a good ass kissing from! why? did you show him my journal? :::narrows eyes:::
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