Want some Evil maknae?-Donho(U-kiss)

May 17, 2010 18:47

title: Evil Maknae
Artist: xx69rabbit69xx 
Character: Dongho
Rating: PG

8 hour of drawing without any rest xD; my head hurt so bad and my head kind of feeling dizzy right now but I'm really happy that I finally have time to do this 8)

Since every body keep saying he is evil maknae evil maknae so I turn him into Devil here xDDDDDD Oh Yes AU!
So what do you think? xD

Hope you enjoyed this pic and comment are love<3333333
BTW I'm also working on Kevin's fanart (clik to take a peek at it xD)right now and hope I will be able to finish it soon xD

Thank you again very much for visiting here! 8D


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