Title: When Will Life Become Smooth, Part 2
rockerblondeRating: PG -13 for this chapter
Word Count: Approx. 1,000
Disclaimer: ATWT characters are the property of Telenext and CBS.
Summary: Winston and Reid rush to the hospital.
Note: Work-in-progress. Written for
theneid Lil' Bang 2012.
It was being covered by all news crews... )
Comments 8
Poor Noah.
Loved Reid's speech....mmm just what happened there?
I love how commanding Winston is in this Chris.
Great update! x
Good chapter Chris. :)
Thank goodness our Noah is strong.
Wondering what the history between Reid and the doc is. Something that stops a doctor comforting a worried family must be pretty big.
Looking forward to more.
Reid really let fly with that tirade - wonder what the history is there?
Great chapter, Chris.
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