Mar 04, 2005 07:41
I'm feelin so good today...
I can't wait until school gets out at 3:30. It's gunna be so fun! Hmmm...well, I hope you feel better soon [u kno who u r hehe] and that everything works out. I'll always think your awesome!
Well, I must be on my way ladies and gents.
Feb 25, 2005 23:18
Hey guys!
Today was pretty awesome. :)
Elena liked my video I made which made me really happy because nobody usually likes my videos. Thanks Elena!
Oh Yeah, and Dad got a new camera so expect some really AWESOME PICTURES!!!
I might put some on tonight if I get bored enough lol. Who knows.
Well, I must be going for now.
Later All!
Feb 25, 2005 10:28
I'm in pain. It burns us. Eeeeuuaaaghhhhhh *gurgles*
It's consuming me. O.O
*gets posessed*
I'm ok, really, except for the BURNING PAIN IN MY KNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all.
Feb 25, 2005 00:31
Hey Sug!
Thanks for helping me!!!!!
Feb 24, 2005 23:45
Hey guys, I havn't updated in a LOOOOOOOOONG time lemme tell ya jeeze!
Well, I'm just experimenting right now. I'm not sure if I like this or xanga better. Hmmm...Well, Lates!
Sep 08, 2004 15:58
Got stomped in marching band. I'm a loser. Got an A in algebra. I'm a winner. I'm also fickle.
Sep 07, 2004 16:21
Wow. I get to draw a ladder. If you havn't read my xanga already, you should. Go read. Now!
Sep 04, 2004 12:36
Hi all from Minneapolis...It's so boring here. I just got done taking a butt load of test this week. School is wearing me down slowly but surely. It just feels like I can't do this anymore. All of my friends are moving and I barely see them anymore. Maybe things will get better. I can only hope.
Aug 28, 2004 23:21
So...Noise fest was awesome...
Lets kissed by a girl hit in the face with a condom...moshed Andrew...and so on....
My day ruled.