romancingwizard Romancing the Wizard
Challenge Eighteen: March Madness Redux
Our second annual rare pair challenge!
The Challenge:
Write a romantic tale with the following criteria:
a) is 500 words exactly
b) stars the rare pairing from the table
c) uses the prompt situation
d) includes an original spell
e) shows a spring-like setting
Sunday night, March 30 at nine o'clock, EDT.
ETA on 3-14-08: The story can take place at any time during the wizard's life. In this challenge, your story may also be AU; for instance, Cedric, Vincent, Fred, or Colin may be alive after their canon death.
ETA on 3-16-08: Part of this challenge is to include an original spell. You must name the spell or give the incantation in your story. For instance: Hair Parting Charm or Carpe (Seizing Charm). Please note the capitalization for both and the italics for the magical incantation.
Challenge Guidelines
Claiming Your Prompt
1) You must be a member and read the
Community Guidelines to participate in the challenge.
2) You may claim only one prompt at a time. Please comment to this post with the prompt number AND name (Example: #69 spring fling). This makes it easier for us and reduces the chance of misassignment. The moderator will acknowledge your request, and your username will be added to the table.
3) When you claim a prompt, we expect you to post your story by the deadline: Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 9:00 pm (
EDT). PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME. If you cannot produce the fiction due to a real-life crisis, please tell us immediately so the prompt can be reassigned. We do not take late entries.
4) Important: Outstanding prompts will be followed up five days before the deadline on Wednesday, March 26. If you do not respond to that post, your prompt will be reassigned the following day.
Writing Your Story
1) Stories must incorporate the following:
a) the rare pairing from the prompt table
b) the idea of the prompt
c) an original spell (include the name or incantation)
d) a spring-like setting
2) Stories must be exactly 500 words. We check word count. Hyphenated words count as one word (pure-blood). Em dashes do not count as a word, so subtract those from your total.
3) You can write the challenge from any point of view, but the focus must be on the wizard/witch's romantic relationship or situation.
4) All characters having sexual relations must be at least 18 years of age. No exceptions. Appropriate ratings and warnings must be applied. (See the
Community Guidelines for a further explanation.)
5) All stories must be proof-read for canon spellings/usage, grammar, and punctuation, including proper comma usage.
a) You may use your own proof-reader or request the help of our Proof Witches, RTW's team of experienced proof-readers.
b) To request a Proof Witch for your completed story, see this post: Request a Proof Witch. We have changed the procedure, so please read the post carefully.
6) Important for authors who use beta readers: Please review the information in
this post regarding beta readers.
Posting Your Story
1) Post your story to
romancingwizard by the deadline.
2) Subject line: Use the title of your story ONLY as the subject of your post.
3) Do not use 'rich text' when posting because it causes problems with our template formatting.
4) Use this conveniently coded template for your story post:
Challenge Eighteen: March Madness ReduxTitle: X
Wizard/Witch: X
Rating/Warnings: X (Choose one: G/PG or PG-13/R or NC-17 Adults Only.)
Genre: X (Choose from the approved options only.)
Word count: Exactly 500
Prompt: X (Please add the number and the prompt.)
Summary: X
Text of Your Story Goes Here
Author's Notes: X
Proof-reader: X (Mandatory)
5) Do not modify the template, except where you are adding information. 'X' marks the spot to insert your information. There needs to be a space after the colon (and after the html bold tag), so the 'X' is there as a helpful guide. Please note there is a place for the name of your proof-reader in the author template - this is mandatory.
6) There are only three possibilities for ratings at romancingwizard: (1) G/PG, (2) PG-13/R and (3) NC-17. If a warning is needed, the moderators will remind you. Examples: PG-13/R for language and suggestive content OR NC-17 for sexual content. (See the Community Guidelines for a further explanation.)
7) There are six genres to choose from at romancingwizard: (1) Romance, (2) Romance/Whimsy, (3) Romance/Humour, (4) Romance/Drama, (5) Romance/Despair, and (6) Romance/Passion. Choose only one. (See the Community Guidelines for a further explanation.)
8) The summary should consist of a short sentence or two to entice the reader. Do not put author's notes in the summary, or you will be asked to move them.
9) Place all your thoughts, recognitions and explanations in the author's notes section at the bottom of the template.
10) Your entry will be moderated, but it will show up in the queue in a reasonable amount of time. We check for guideline compliance, formatting, word count, content, proof-reader's name and blatant errors (grammar, punctuation, and canon). a) Ineligible entries will be rejected with a brief note explaining what needs to be fixed. We expect complete cooperation.
b) Sometimes an entry will be accepted, but a Moderator Comment will be posted asking the member to adjust a minor error. We expect complete cooperation. Invalid posts may also be deleted.
After Posting Your Story
1) When you have successfully posted your story according to these guidelines, you may claim another available prompt by posting a new comment to this entry. (Limit: three per challenge per member)
2) You may upload your story on other LJs or archives whenever you'd like. Please mention Romancing the Wizard romancingwizard. You can also link your story, bringing readers and viewers here, so you'll have all your comments in the same place.
3) Important: Remember, character bashing is not allowed! Not in the story. Not in the comments. If you don't like a pairing, find something else to say.
4) Enchanted Quills will be given by the moderators to the authors of memorable stories.
5) Questions? As always, per the community and challenge guidelines, any questions regarding content, requirements, etc. should be sent directly to the moderators (not Proof Witches) at seaislewitch(at)livejournal(dot)com, or you may comment to this post.
6) Thanks to missblane for proof-reading these guidelines.
7) The art used for this challenge is Cupid and Psyche by François Gérard, 1798, Musée du Louvre.
The Prompt Table
Considerations when putting these rare pairings together:
1) inter-house mix-up
2) a better-known paired with a lesser-known
1. Colin Creevey/Eleanor Branstone
spring wedding
somigliana #1
Posted! Link: How To Make Wizarding Photographs
2. Seamus Finnigan/Su Li
leprechaun jig
lewlinx #1
Posted! Link: St Patrick's Day
3. Lee Jordan/Padma Patil
vernal equinox
gelsey #1
Posted! Link: I Dedicate My Love
4. Andrew Kirke/Hannah Abbott
colouring Easter eggs
delayed_poet #3
Posted! Link: Longing
5. Neville Longbottom/Lisa Turpin
cherry blossoms
Posted! Link: Petals in the Wind
6. Cormac McLaggen/Susan Bones
Quidditch pitch rainbow
somigliana #2
Posted! Link: Regret Me Not
7. Dean Thomas/Megan Jones
kites on Black Lake
seaislewitch #3
Posted! Link: A Decent Proposal
8. Fred Weasley/Marietta Edgecombe
springtime pixie dance
Posted! Link: The Wizard and the Sneak
9. George Weasley/Orla Quirke
Easter bonnet
gelsey #2
Posted! Link: A Little Manipulation
10. Oliver Wood/Tracey Davis
Easter with her family
Posted! Link: Easter Surprise
11. Terry Boot/Millicent Bulstrode
beeswax candles
Posted! Link: Melting Wax
12. Eddie Carmichael/Angelina Johnson
Mothering Sunday
redvelvetcanopy #3
Posted! Link: Appreciation
13. Michael Corner/Natalie McDonald
springtime mating rituals
ladywhitehart #1
Posted! Link: For the Love of Thestrals
14. Roger Davies/Patricia Stimpson
spring thunderstorm
delayed_poet #2
Posted! Link: Always Running
15. Kevin Entwhistle/Romilda Vane
chocolate and lemon tarts
Posted! Link: Chocolate, Lemon, and Quidditch…Tarts?
16. Anthony Goldstein/Alicia Spinnet
long-eared owl eggs
redvelvetcanopy #2
Posted! Link: Beginnings
17. Cedric Diggory/Victoria Frosbisher
melting snow
delayed_poet #1
Posted! Link: The Snow Globe
18. Justin Finch Fletchley/Demelza Robbins
picnic in the meadow
Posted! Link: Gentleman
19. Wayne Hopkins/Cho Chang
bouquet of irises
moonblossom55 #2
Posted! Link: Iconic
20. Ernie Macmillan/Daphne Greengrass
newborn Thestrals
Posted! Link: A Spring Wedding
21. Zacharias Smith/Mandy Brocklehurst
a Jarvey sees his shadow
seaislewitch #1
Posted! Link: Zach versus The Beast
22. Miles Bletchley/Katie Bell
musicians in the gazebo
seaislewitch #2
Posted! Link: Ten Years Serious
23. Vincent Crabbe/Rose Zeller
Diagon Alley sidewalk sale
ladywhitehart #2
Posted! Link: Spring Crushes... and Other Disasters
24. Marcus Flint/Penelope Clearwater
St Patrick's Day mead
redvelvetcanopy #1
Posted! Link: Spring Research
25. Gregory Goyle/Laura Madley
a walk around the lake
Posted! Link: All for Love
26. Terrance Higgs/Luna Lovegood
a spring poem
moonblossom55 #1
Posted! Link: Ending the Season of Snows and Sins
27. Theodore Nott/Eloise Midgen
Maypole ribbons
Posted! Link: The Changes of Spring
28. Graham Pritchard/Lavender Brown
muddy garden path
Posted! Link: It Was Him
29. Adrian Pucey/Parvati Patil
new pink dress
Posted! Link: April Showers
30. Blaise Zabini/Morag McDougal
April showers
Posted! Link: Eagle-Eyed
Remember: Please comment to this post with the number AND the prompt. (Example: #69 spring fling)