This wind is so ridiculous. And the windows in my apartment are all screwed up and not sealed correctly so it's windy in here too. Damn cheapass property management company. . .
I just got back from my first performance art exhibition ever and it was a pretty cool experience. Michael and I decided to go because a classmate of his was premiering a couple of pieces. The title of the show was "Tongue" and it was certainly an original experience. When we arrived at the art museum we were told we had to wait in the lobby
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I took my third of four anatomy lab practicals this afternoon. This one covered the digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Highlight of this exam? Nearly losing my pen under a cadaver. Eek.
And now, off to the first dress rehearsal of the week.
There was just a raccoon at the top of the stairs to the porch when my roommate opened the door! It was so cute, but she freaked out and chased it away. . . It was pretty funny though; we live on the second floor, so she asked "How the hell did it get up here?!" Her boyfriend said it must have constructed a jetpack.
So I just got back from seeing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and a series of detours with Michael, Ethan, and Ethan's girlfriend Alison. The movie was awesome. What am I saying? It had Johnny Depp; of course it was good
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My grandma from Hawaii is coming to Colorado tomorrow, Craig is graduating on Thursday, and I'm leaving for Paris on Saturday. I'll be gone for a week and then I'll come up with a real update. I promise!