So, went to see The Ladykillers today. Loved it. Loved. It. God it was fun. I also got to go to starbucks and old navy, and I ended up getting four pairs of pants from old navy. I was in desperate need of pants. So yay pants
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In movie watching news, took the becklet and my sister to see the new scooby doo movie yesterday. and got to see the harry potter trailer. there was much squeeing. watching school of rock tonight with the siblings. i do enjoy that movie. going to see the ladykillers tomorrow. fun stuff.
Ok...not that the capture of saddamm isn't important, cause it is, and it's newsworthy, I get that. But show me the fucking survivor season finale now bitches. Seriously. it's been all over the news all day. Nothing new is happening. You can go ahead and let me watch my show.
So. Q and I are both sick. He fell asleep at 8:30 last night. I went to bed at 10:30 after my parents came home since I watched Beck from them last night. My SNL tape fucked up and didn't tape. I have my huge fucking final tomorrow and I'm not going to be ready for it. But huge fucking yay for this mornings news, I'll even give Bush some
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