Title: Arcana
Summary: Sometimes, her grandmother has said, in the simplest, strongest of magics that’s all that’s required - a sacrifice and an intent. Her blood, and his words: I want to forget.In which Joanna Watson is a witch, Sherlock Holmes is himself, and every spell has its price
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Comments 16
I adore the way you write magic. It has just the right mixes of rules and wonder, power and price.
Not-Anthea is a witch! And Mycroft knows! This is fantastic and also a little bit hilarious. I very much enjoyed all the scenes of Anthea and Joanna interacting, especially this exchange that made me LOL:
“Ah,” Adrienne says, appearing from bloody nowhere like the creepy witch-person she is. “You’re one of those.”
“So’s your face,” Joanna says cheerfully,
Ha! Meanwhile, the UST between Sherlock and Joanna is turned up to 11. There is so much time in semi-undress in each other's bedrooms. It is glorious and maddening. Well done!
Also, I just wanted to say that I was having kind of a crappy night emotionally, but being able to worry about your characters instead of the stupid problems in my own head helped me a lot. So thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing this story. It's remarkable, and I know it's one I will come back to and enjoy rereading. I hope you will continue it in your own time, but no matter what happens with future installments, I am so happy you posted this!
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