Title: Pig Rectums and Other Ratings Grabbers
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Mythbusters
Word count: ~2000
Pairing: Adam/Jamie
Summary: The Mythbusters are disgusted to learn that they have to do a mindless sex-themed show to boost their ratings. Adam and Jamie go above and beyond the call of duty.
A/N: This is a gift-fic for
thescarletwoman. She mentioned the UST between
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Comments 11
...I...I got nothin'. Wow. (re Grant -- TOTALLY, oh yeah, and I'd love to see that.) Mythbusters slash. Holy shit. Who knew. Um, if anyone could pull it off, it's definitely you. XDDD
Secondly- I always imagined that if Adam was wearing Jamie's beret, it was because Jamie was dead from consequence of the cause.
Thirdly- Terrifyingly hilarious postulation about the tearing and Brokeback myth. The characterization was great right down to the dialogue, and I too came looking just to see if anyone had done a goofy Adam/Jamie fic. In conclusion I am pleased.
"Like a little girl."
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