My phone broke today, and I am thinking of changing carriers. Would you recommend your carrier for someone who wants a lot of minutes and at least 2GB of data, android phone? Why?
Post a comment, and I will reply with a reason why I think you're great. It would be cool if you would post this same meme on your blog and comment for other people.
A friend and fellow SCAdian herald has a project for on of her classes where she has to set up a message board. If you have the time can you go to her message board and post something. The more people she gets the better her grade should be.
Log into this site with your LJ, then you can nominate up to 5 people to be your LJ valentines. If they log in and name you, you both get told on the 14th. If not, they never know. No drama! So . . . go try it!