Title: Lessons Author: frannie Pairing: Mal/River Rating: R Summary: Inara suggests River goes to training school and Mal take it really well - or not.
it's 4.30 in the morning here, so when I saw ur msg it took me by surprise. Its a big bad world, I guess. Lol. Glad you like it. Its therapeutic, all this almost porn. Lol.
I don't think that I can praise your writing enough. Everyone is so in character that I can see it in my minds eye with no effort. In my humble opinion I hope that you continue writing these as I enjoy reading them immensely.
Oh, I loved this, especially how RIver explained that she had to be someone's and if it wasn't him, it would be someone else's. Jayne's possibly. Hmm, and boy did Mal had that. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Glad you like it. Its therapeutic, all this almost porn. Lol.
More please.
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