Title: Of Dreams Author: frannie Rating: R Pairing: Mal/River, Mal/Inara (kind of but not really) Summary: She thinks this girl-River may love Mal, but had forgotten that they are meant to love back.
Title: Lessons Author: frannie Pairing: Mal/River Rating: R Summary: Inara suggests River goes to training school and Mal take it really well - or not.
Title: The Cold Author: frannie Rating: NC17 Pairing: River/Mal Summary: After the events of 'The Deal'. Mal has been avoiding River, but its cold in the black, and she is right there beneath him.
Title: The Deal Author: frannie Rating: NC17 Pairing: Mal/River Disclaimer: Not mine. Seriously. Summary: River convinces Mal to make a deal with her: he would help her catch up on some of the things she’s missed out on.