Title: Of Dreams Author: frannie Rating: R Pairing: Mal/River, Mal/Inara (kind of but not really) Summary: She thinks this girl-River may love Mal, but had forgotten that they are meant to love back.
Do keep writing, I am enjoying these, and its providing me insight and food for thought for a character i roleplay who has a mindset similar to River's.
Thanks for posting! I'm never brave enough to show my fan fic to people...
I'm actually a big Mal/Inara fan, and I typically don't enjoy a lot of Mal/River fiction just because I'm not too fond of the pairing. I did enjoy this one, though! Great work. I enjoyed your writing. ^^
Nice! I like the whole of idea of this all happening in Mal's head/River's head its very in tune with her "living in her head" most of the time because of what happened to her - Anyway nice job!
Comments 19
Nice job! *thumbs up* The way that you portray River and Mal is amazing.
Yes. I can totally see that. Poor confused River. :-)
it made me laugh as well.
Do keep writing, I am enjoying these, and its providing me insight and food for thought for a character i roleplay who has a mindset similar to River's.
Thanks for posting! I'm never brave enough to show my fan fic to people...
But yes, thank you for commenting, its nice to know someone reads them - the fandom is too quiet.
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