Created by -ambiguous and taken 59467 times on bzoink! What is your favorite..gumorbitrestaurantsubway!drinkvirgin strawberry dacquri (sp)seasonsummer/wintertype of weatherhot or snowyemotionhappything to do on a half dayhang out with friendslate-night activitymovies/talksportdancecity
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so i cant wait for 4th of july.. even though like as of 3 hrs ago.. i wanted to cry when i heard about it "thanks travis!!* so.. went to the gpas today, then home n the siblings came over n the gg came ovr... then trav came n took me away:) and we got icecream n swam n watched game :( poor pistons
so i don't exactly update much anymore.. sorry livejournal :( but anyways... today was SAWEET went to kelsey's for a final esg party :( aww ratsnrop< hahaha title wave!! flood! backseat boy
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you can only fAlL so far.. and once you've hit the b o t t o m.. the only way to go is UP. f.a.l.l.i.n.g may take a while but you can make it. i'll help you so take my hand and hold on tight and we'll get there