Well I'm dusting off the LJ.. Facebook and it's new privacy bullshit's pissing me off.. I shouldn't have to opt out of anything to keep my privacy. So yeah.. Not sure how often I'll post, but *waves*
Ok.. LJ has gotten lost in the mix of stuff.. I has a Facebook.. Damn you Subir! Anyway, I wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays. I say happy holidays becasue I have so many friends who celebrate something besides Christmas. Life moves apace, job keeps me busy..
This journal is now friends only. If you can see the posts you're not to be sharing what's in those posts with those who are NOT on my friends list. If you want on my friends list, let me know here.
Home safe, but not exactly sound.. Woke up with a sore throat, and coughing my head off. I got con plague it looks like. Took more drugs, going to try to sleep it off. Not enough sleep is a bad bad thing.