With the passage of time all things change. Some in an instant, others a gradual procession meandering its way through the ages.
Is there anything else for me to say? Is there ever a word that has not been spoken? A thought not been recognized? It’s all been done before in different ways and in other forms flowing forward over and over.
Did you know you are amazing? In all you do? Even the little things we take for granted. Oh sure, we are all fallible, and we don’t always mesh well with those around us, but every little thing you do is profound. It is special and it is a one time deal. That moment is all you have. It will never come again.
I think I have become complacent! Oh NO! That is one of the worst things in the world. I've become ok with the world around me with an attitude of indifference. This is not good at all. I've seemingly stopped challanging views and ideas. I think it's high time I stirred things up again! WOOT!
I really think I am destine to be a screw up! I think I really messed up with a good friend of mine. Dangit! :) Ah well, I'm a tough girl, I'll suck it up and move on. I just hate losing friends, know what I mean? Garr!
Spring is reluctantly crawling its was across the landscape. Life and colour are grudgingly seeping slowly back into sleepy flora. The birds are giving an extra chirp or two into the still. Something is happening.