Author's Note: Welcome back to the Richmond Legacy! I'm so glad to be posting again :) This chapter we're back in the main legacy house to continue this generation! Last time, we saw Kate & Kylie move out and start their own families. I tried writing in a more dramatic style, and honestly, it didn't work for me. I enjoy writing like that, but not for sims. They give me too many opportunities to make fun of them! So, we'll stick with the usual style. :D So, let's get down to business! (To defeat THE HUNS! Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons? Okay moving on now...)
The Richmond Legacy: Generation 6, Chapter 2
Missed something?
Generation 6, Chapter 1
Kate & Kylie Sibling Update
We return to the legacy house to find Miles cheerful and happy... Not to mention extremely adorable!
And Reina and Gabe, both still dressed in work clothes, cuddling happily...
Reina: "How was work honey?"
Gabriel: "Alright... But nothing compared to this..."
They're adorable together <3
Julianna: "What'chya makin, sis?"
Sydney: "Just some grilled salmon. You?"
Julianna: "... Grilled cheese... Way to make me feel lame."
Sydney: "Oh come on. We all know you're the gardener, fisherwoman, AND handywoman of the house. Cooking's the one thing I'm better at."
Reina: "Who has his mama's eyes? Who's my sweet baby boy?"
Miles: "Me mama! Me!"
Reina: "That's right darling! You are!"
The garden seems to have been better cared for while I was gone than it ever is while I'm here... Well that makes me feel great about myself. I can't keep plants alive to save my life IRL, but you'd think I could do it in sims... But no :(
Miles: "Why I in hewe mama?"
Reina: "We're gonna get some food into you baby."
Miles: "Oh! Otay!"
Miles: "OOH!"
CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! :3 I love his face here!
Miles: "Tanks mommy!"
Reina: "You're welcome baby. Enjoy."
Miles: "I dun know if I wike dis..."
Miles: "Yup! I dew! I wuv it! Nummy!"
Ozzie: "I like this one. It looks like me!"
Gabriel: "But I wanted to hold him!!! >:( "
Gabriel: *under breath* "Stupid... father in law... stealing my child... wanted to hold... just cleaning the counter... see if I care..."
We're not bitter now are we?
Gabriel: "Of course not! I LOVE cleaning! Much better than holding my own son."
>_> Somebody needs a nap... And it ain't the toddler.
What'chya makin', Syd?
Sydney: "Just a drawing."
Well, it's really pretty! You've almost mastered painting, too! I'll need you to make a portrait of Reina eventually by the way :D
Sydney: "Since when am I your slave?"
Since you were born. I'm the creator, you're the sim. It's just kind of the way things work.
Sydney: "Well I hate it."
Jeez, you Simmies are grumpy today!
Ozzie: "Good night, champ. Sweet dreams! Tomorrow we'll learn how to walk, okay?"
Miles: "Otay Gwampa."
Miles: "But I dun wanna go to bed now! :( "
Ozzie: "Okay buddy... Just lie down and close your eyes for a little while, and I'll come back and get you later."
Sneaky! He'll fall asleep before he knows it >:D
Ozzie: "Exactly."
Reina: "Oh crap... I know this feeling..."
Reina: "I think I'm gonna -"
Reina: "Puuukeeblaghleflaffleblarghhh!"
So easily tricked... What a cutie <3
Reina: "Good morning sweetheart! Did you sleep well?"
Miles: "When Gwampa comin' back?"
Reina: "He's at work now baby, but he'll play with you when he gets home!"
Miles: "I confuzed."
You're looking happier this morning!
Sydney: "I am! Even though do you realize how close I am to being an oldie? It's terrible!"
I know!!! :( I'm going to miss your youth :(
Sydney: "Oh, YOU're going to miss it! How do you think I feel?!"
I decided Reina had been in the house too long, and sent her to the beach with Miles!
Then I realized she was still in the Music career track, and since she didn't want to be a rockstar anymore anyway, I figured she might as well be a stay-at-home mom. So she called and quit! :D
Then she set to teaching Miles to walk.
Sydney: "This plant seriously needs to be weeded. Oh hey Humberto. What's up."
I love the Mysterious Mr. Gnomes XD This one is much more interesting than the last one I had. It hadn't moved in generations!
Ozzie and Gabriel both need logic skill for their jobs, so they've taken to playing chess together. I think they think it looks manly.
Gabriel: "Hmm... Smart move there, Ozzie my friend, but not smart enough."
Ozzie: "Your ploys will not fool me this time, young grasshopper! I am much older and wiser than you yet."
They enjoy being overdramatic as well.
Reina had to stop teaching Miles halfway through because she discovered she was pregnant! Baby number 2 is on the way :D
Miles: "I's doin' it! I's doin' it! I's walkin mama!"
Reina: "Great job buddy! I knew you could!"
I really just can't get over how cute he is.
Yay! We have our first certificate in the new house! (All the others were lost in the move :\.) It's Sydney's cooking one.
The next morning Reina broke the news to Gabriel.
Reina: "Honey - I'm pregnant again!"
Gabriel: "REALLY?!" *hyperventilates* "Rei that's awesome!!!!! I'm gonna feed it, and teach it everything, and cuddle it, and even change its diapers!! It's gonna be the happiest baby alive! Do you think it'll look like me? Do you think it'll like me??"
Reina: "I'm sure it will, silly. I'm so glad you're happy."
Gabriel: "Of course I'm happy! I love being a father! Even if I do worry all the time! Are you all right? Do you need anything?"
Reina: "Just calm down, you ridiculous neurotic sim, you."
Miles: "I's outpide!"
Yes, you are outside! What are you doing out here? It's dark!
Miles: "Pwaying wif da bwocks! I wikes it outpide!"
I think you need to learn to talk!
Julianna: "Come here you silly baby. It's your bedtime!"
Even though she'd already read them, Reina reread the pregnancy books in preparation for the new arrival. :D
Reina: "Hey, you can never be too prepared!"
Sydney: "Okay Milesy. It's time for you to learn to talk!"
Miles: "I's can tawlk Gramma. I tawlk pewfect!"
Sydney: *sigh* "We've got a long way to go..."
Sydney: "Okay sweetie. Say 'grandma will still be pretty when she's old."
Miles: "I knows dat she wants somefing, I's just dun know what."
Reina: "This TV is sooo boring. Why am I watching this again?"
Because I want twins.
Reina: "And how is that logical?"
It's sims. Nothing is logical.
Ozzie: "Might as well get used to it."
Gabriel seems to be having much better luck with teaching Miles to talk. Guess he is a teacher after all!
OMG no way. All this time I thought Ozzie's favorite color was green. And it's aqua. :O
Ozzie: "Wow, I can really feel him kicking!"
Reina: "Cool huh? Well, for you... For me it's just painful."
Reina: "Wait, did you say 'him'? Can you tell what gender it is?"
Ozzie: "Oh, yeah! You are definitely having a boy."
:D Yay! Bring on the boys!
Toddlers are SO cute when they talk <3 I think I'm pretty much obsessed with Miles though. It's not my fault! He's so frickin adorable :3
Ozzie: "Come here little favorite."
Ozzie! Picking favorites is mean!
Ozzie: "What? He's the only toddler there is!"
But he'll still be your favorite when the new one comes.
Ozzie: "... Well.. yeah. Unless the new one has my hair AND my eyes."
So you only like him because he looks like you?
Ozzie: "Well. That. And that when he's older I can make him into my own little star athlete."
Yay! Sydney mastered the painting skill!
I really need to get started on Reina's portrait! And Reina needs to get more skilled so we can have a portrait of Sydney too!
Gabriel: "Hello in there little baby! How are things? Are you excited to come out? We'll have lots of shoes for you when you do!"
Reina: "You're promising the baby shoes?"
Just what I was wondering about...
Gabriel: "What? Babies like shoes too!"
I'm not sure why this came last, but it was time for Miles to be potty trained!
Miles: "I dun geddit."
I've decided. Miles officially looks cute doing everything.
A few hours later...
Hey, what's with you? He's not quite potty trained yet...
Reina: "I feel funny..."
Heh... She's cross eyed XD
Reina: "OOH THAT'S WHY."
Oh gosh... Good plan!
Reina: "OOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!"
Miles: "Why's Mama cwying?"
Umm... See... She's um... She's not feeling too good right now. But your baby brother is on his way! You'll see him soon.
Miles: "Oh. Otay."
Yay! Sparkles!
And it's a BOY! (Surprise surprise...)
Everyone welcome Casey Richmond to the family! :D Casey is Artistic and a Light Sleeper, and his favorite color is Irish Green.
And unfortunately.... that's it. I was trying for multi-gender twins since Ozzie's a World Renowned Surgeon and all, but... I guess Rei didn't watch enough TV. :\ Sadness.
Reina: "Hey! You can't hate on Casey just because he doesn't have a twin sister!"
I'm not hating on him!! He's adorable! I just really wanted multi-gender twins :( This might have been my only chance!
Ah well. Regardless of that, it was time for Casey's birthday! I won't even make my excuses.... We all know why we age babies up right when they're born.
His grandparents and great-aunt were there to cheer him on.
Ozzie: *toot* *cell phone rings* *toot!*
Sydney & Julianna: "WOO HOO!!!"
LOL... Hard day at the office Syd?
Sydney: "STFU."
*please get Gabe's eyes please get Gabe's eyes*
AAH I can't tell!!
Here he is :3 He's a Sydney CLONE.
Hmm... Flashback time? We could look at Sydney's toddler CAS picture....
Okay... When I said they were clones... I just now realized that they literally have EXACTLY the same facial structure. If I gave Casey Syd's hairstyle, you couldn't tell them apart. O.o
Well then! We know he'll be a cutie, don't we!? :D
He already is :3 (Even if I AM a little sick of blond babies at the moment... :S)
Casey: "Hewwo Mistew Ken! Yew gets tew has yer head ripped off! Yay!"
Casey: "Nom nom nom! Yummy!"
Casey's birthday caused an interruption in the household's bathroom schedule...
Gabriel: "No one saw that right?"
Nope! No one at all ;)
Ozzie: "You're putting that in the legacy, aren't you. :\"
Maaaaybe ;) Oh come on, it's the most interesting thing you've done all chapter.
Ozzie: "HEY!"
Reina: "Aww... he looks just like me!"
Actually he does. You are a clone of your mother. Except the eyes. Those are from Sydney's dad, Tad. (Hehe it rhymes :D)
Casey: "Noo mama, I no wanna go sweepy! Pweeease?"
Aww... <3 I thought Miles was hands down my favorite, but Casey's got a fighting chance. Baby boys are a nice change :3
* * *
Okay, well, that's all I've got for you for today! I hope you enjoyed it! What do you think of Casey? Which is your favorite so far? Are you hoping for another boy, or a girl for the last kid this generation? Any comments are always appreciated!! Thanks for reading everyone :D
Also, I'm going camping this weekend :D And I start school on Monday D: So if I don't comment on your stories... that's why.
See you next time!